Yang calls out the mayo menace

42  2019-08-18 by DerekSavageCoolCuck


"And who is going to be the boogeyman of the next 10 to 20 years? Who's going to be the great rival to the United States in the eyes of American society? China, that's right. And so, what do you think the attitude is going to be over time for the shrinking, insecure white majority that's losing their jobs for, let's say, Chinese Americans or Asian Americans? I don't — l personally — I said to a group at Harvard, I think we're one generation away from falling into the same camps as that the Jews who were attacked in a synagogue in Pittsburgh like just a couple months. So we're probably one generation away from an American shooting up a bunch of Asians saying like, damn the Chinese, because there's a giant Cold War even more with China. That is the great danger that I fear that my children are going to grow up in."

Uh you know this is like five months old right?

dude memory loss lmao

Benzo brain

That’s a personal attack delete this

Imagine thinking chinks will ever be relevant enough to get shot up lmao

Oh you haven't been Q pilled yet?

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I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


  1. Yang calls out the mayo menace - archive.org, archive.today

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Is it finally over for yangoid gang ?

You never name the mayo so overtly.

That sounds like what a CCP shill would say.

As a Mayo I’m staring to worry that I have to vote Republican from now on. Because the other team is starting to sound like they want us hunted down in the streets. I think 2020 will be a Hell of a ride with the rhetoric we have already seen.


I wish someone would allow Mayo open season

Who would pay for welfare though?

That would actually be a good question. Basketball Americans, methinks, given that they're the second largest demographic in the States iirc


Paying for anything

That's the trick. Nobody, thus killing off welfare recipients.

You going to kill the 40% of Nigs who are on welfare? Is that what you are proposing?

why are you on this subreddit

You following me faggot?

i hunt down mayos on the internet 😎😎😎


Van mayosing

All you dramacels are going to forced to join me in supporting our cybernetic uber-rice overlord. Cope.

Fascinating strategy to persue considering 99% of his voters are white bois

He refers to Americans, not whites, but good job not reading the two paragraph article retard

Sorry maybe your sarcasm flew over my non-retarded head but he said whites in the article, so what are you trying to say exactly?

I would guess a lot flies over your head

Imagine unironically defending the Yang Gang™

I guess

did you misread or was there some silly meme I didn't get?

I was the true retard all along

Mao 2.0

I wish