"France is a shithole" again on the menu but waiter takes too long

102  2019-08-18 by newcomer_ts


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Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


  1. "France is a shithole" again on the... - archive.org, archive.today

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I am living in France, have been for 34 years. What about you?

You gotta love frenchies in denial over their country disappearing in front of their eyes lmao

their country disappearing in front of their eyes

How are they supposed to see it happening though?

Like, walk down the street

Yeah bro, like I'm gonna walk down disappearing streets, lol. Fucking troll.

That would be rad

Yes terrible things keep happening with increasing frequency but I live here so what do you have to say about that, eh?

This was Hitlers plan all along. 🀯

Paris saw its violent crime rate decline by a lot from 1995-2010. Its remained stagnant, with little spikes here or there, since then, but its still much safer than it was when La Haine (famous french crime movie) was made in 1995.

First of all, great movie.

Secondly, violent crime rates around the world have dropped since the 90’s since crack went out of style

Le cope.

Bring πŸ‘πŸΏ crack πŸ‘πŸΏ back

First of all, great movie.

The story is kind of a joke. An arab, a jew and a black man miss the last night train to go home...

ayy if you dig la haine you need to go watch Mesrine but i feel like you probably already did

Damn, sad story. I’ll check the movie out

Anyone who has experienced French service can surely attest to the level of rage felt by its victims.

Burgers think this because they're used to treating wait staff like shit and then slipping them a dollar so they can keep their lights on at home, so anything but utter deference feels like rudeness.

Lmao imagine coping this hard over your shitty service.

Nah we think this because we've inherited our Anglo ancestors' lessons that the French are pretentious assholes, and their service does little to disabuse us of that notion.

C O P E πŸ˜‚

The frogs are turning violent

The shooter was almost certainly not white considering they don't say what ethnicity he is.

And neither was the victim.

cOuLtERs LaW

It says a lot that some no name waiter getting shot in a restaurant makes international news. I bet this happens once a month in NYC

Literally my dick getting sucked makes international news.


Nobody reports on the stuff that matters anymore.

France is shit r/ZweiRama gang rise up

France is shit

I’m glad we agree on something

It must be why the food is so good in France, they let them in 😍😍😍.

I was suprised I didn't get downvoted on r/news for pointing out it was probably a migrant, that it happened in a muslim pizza resturant or that the waiter wasn't French either so alls well it ends well

What’s a Muslim pizza consist of

Time bomb

explosives, jewish foreskins, foid hymen, dowry laden crust

anything but pork

It was really an angry burgerstani that was paying xers tip

no reported race of the shooter

Even further proofs that it was a burgerstani because describing a mutts race requires several lab tests 😎😎😎😎😎

I went to a pizza place in a small French town once and they offered me 1.50 euros off my bill if I did takeout instead of eating inside (small place). The French were paying me to go away from them. Win-fucking-win.

It wa sprobably due to some law. You get things cheaper here when you don't consume it where you bought it.

Where is that? If I remember right in Chicago they had a take-out tax where they charged you more for not dining in.

In England you pay 20% extra on a lot of food (VAT) to eat in.

Maybe it will start a trend. US has school shooters, France will have restaurant shooters. Different strokes.

