Yikes sweaty, did you just criticise our 16 year old globohomo overlord?

84  2019-08-18 by 2Manadeal2btw


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A downvote from a commie is the equivalent of an upvote from someone with braincells. So thanks, man.


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This ugly little FAS is putting literally millions upon millions of people’s livelihoods in serious jeopardy. And if you criticize her then you are a monster. She is a literal GloboHomo Meat Shield.

Nah you’re just a moron who’s in denial. Not her fault unchecked pollution has and is damaging the planet. If you work in one of the dirty energy fields and refuse to adapt then yeah your bum ass livelihood is at risk.

Cope greencel

Listen to me stupid dyke. If you are completely uneducated about the energy industry then don’t comment on energy policy. Coal, Oil and Natural Gas are way more economically viable then Renewables will EVER be. Or at least for the next 30 years. If they weren’t then GloboHomo wouldn’t be trying to kill them.


Do you know what sub you are on faggot?

Keep living in denial grandpa.

Whatever Faggot. When push comes to shove Americans never support any “Global Warming” shit that increases their electric bill. What you and the retard want will never happen

Hahaha your electric bill is going to be the least of your worries when the food shortages start, boomer

lmao everywhere else is going to get fucked from that before rich first world countries and by that time the resulting losses will reverse climate change the natural way

I wish I could be as naive as you

the western world loves to pretend it has all the empathy in the world but thatll end right about the time that it means giving up your property and eating bugs

the west is going to easily survive any coming problems but poor countries wont

Rightoids are so retarded on this issue smh

sorry but theres never going to be equity because im inherently worth more than other people

You sound inordinately upset about this

You know what sub this is whore bag?

lmao then go full uncle-ted anprim if you have such a problem with the energy sector then retard

I have a problem with a literal child retard doubling my electric bill

Trying to stop climate change? YIKERS, she did a globohomo

How is she going to stop Global Warming? And be specific

Yeah if every OECD nation instantly dropped to 0 emissions I wonder how we would continue manufacturing stuff?


Certainly not in countries with even dirtier energy industries, fewer if any workers rights, no child labor laws, and insane corruption and instability?

Dude Reddit-Faggots don’t want to listen to facts. They just want to be brave warriors battling Global Warming.

dirty energy fields

you mean like this

He typed on his plastic phone while idling in his gas powered vehicle.

nah lets just wipe out the third world instead i dont want to make any concessions


It’s not dead though. And when electric prices go through the roof everywhere but the third world a lot of manufacturing jobs will be gone.

literally millions upon millions of people’s livelihoods

uneducated mayos are not people

Ok so now I know you are retarded. People who work in coal, oil and natural gas usually make a lot of money. At least more then you will ever make as a Wage Slave at Starbucks or some where gay like that.

They are also often boomers, and thus further removing them from humanity.

Lol learn to code you rock burning retard

Go dilate

dude dilate lmao

Unfortunately, clean energy isnt where it needs to be in order to meet our demands for quantity. Until our needs can be met, we will have to use coal and oil and the people extracting these resources are going to still get paid a fuckton because of how dangerous, dirty, and difficult these jobs are.

I get that you're memeing and I'm not sure if you're serious or not, but the fact is that you cant discount the people who literally make your world turn. Every leftoid who shits on these people would blow their brains out if the workers seized the means of production distribution and decided not to route power to their houses and the wifi turns off.

clean energy isnt where it needs to be in order to meet our demands for quantity

It is, but retarded greenoids are too spooked by vapor chimneys and Chernobyl to admit it. Instead, they shut down clean energy, put up a couple of turbines for the optics, and power their nintendo switches on russian coal and gas.

If we actually did what she asked the entire world economy would collapse and global warming wouldn't stop because despite the fact that the USA makes the vast majority of inventions and high quality devices we only cause 13% of the world's pollution. The world economy would be overtaken by china and nothing else would change. That's why everyone makes fun of her.

i dont know anything about her, i just want to oppress the white working class

Oh fair enough

Rightoid: "The left can't meme"

Lefties: "No u lol. Let's make a forced subreddit out of this"

Its funny, because a few posts down a user posts the Memeball "when you kill nigs" meme.

*Is Swedish

  • rightoid

A common alt-right claim is that Sweden is collapsing due to immigration issues, which is patently and demonstrably false. Scandinavian countries have repeatedly been proven to have the highest quality of life and happiness levels across the world, and even the worst instances of actual migrant crimes (the very very few that aren’t Breibart fabrications) are insignificant compared to North American crime rates.

The real reason the right likes to attack Sweden is that it’s living proof that many left-wing policies drastically improve the living conditions of the countries that use them, and spits in the face of all of their McCarthy-era views. They’re just jealous and unable to comprehend that they might have been wrong all this time.

  • leftoid

even the worst instances of actual migrant crimes (the very very few that aren’t Breibart fabrications) are insignificant compared to North American crime rates.

If only they would investigate the sources of North American crime. They would find the results utterly shocking. 🤡🌎

Yikes sweaty, that's awfully racist of you to point out facts and statistics that contradict our narrative. Please report to the nearest drag queen molester story hour for re education asap

Good cope burger

Do not insult my culture.

Dude if the post gets locked then doesn't mean they can meme?. Like holy fuck imagine making a subreddit to own an ideology only for the meme to be so spicy the comment section turns into the holocaust.

Who even is this

Don't worry my gachi-friend. Hop on TSWcord instead of worrying yourself.

Teenage climate activist who has been nominated for the Nobel peace prize. Pushed heavily in European media. Gets carbon credits for her birthday. Hasn't actually done anything but whine.

Last I heard she was going to sail to US; because it uses less carbon than an airplane trip. A reporter uncovered that the crew who is actually going to do the sailing needs to buy airplane tickets for themselves as they aren't staying in the US for her trip and are flying back to Europe. So the solution to global warming is to buy 5 airplane tickets instead of 1.

High iq

Haters are just jealous they didn't get picked to be the climate change mouthpiece 😏

I'm certainly autistic enough.

Just get your own yacht and a private crew. This solves international travel...

Last I heard she was going to sail to US; because it uses less carbon than an airplane trip.

She should swim then, that uses a lot less carbon.


She is a 16 year old Swedish climate activist who has encouraged kids to protest and disrupt shit in order to demand action, despite the obvious handicap of knowing literally nothing that people under the age of 24 have.

She also attends climate conferences all over Europe and brags about how she never flies to these conferences because flying is totally bad, but taking a train costs no CO2 and using Skype on her 65 watt laptop is impossible.

More or less, she forms the airtight argument that the zoomer generation deserves environmental destruction, the destruction of 3rd world agriculture by drought and the sinking of Florida and the entire East Coast under a deluge of sea level rise.

Is that the whole strategy with her? She says all of this stupid garbage and then when you criticize it they can go "wow that's mean why are you saying this to her she's just a little kid?!?!?!??".

Well it's like the parkland kids. Human shields for unpopular policies.

I HATE it when people do this (either side btw)

If you want to be public in your advocacy and get loads of attention, then you give up your immunity to criticism from being a child.

What's sickening is that it's never the kids who are actually to blame for becoming a mouthpiece for some agenda. They do some rinky dink lemonade stand and then some NGO pumps 3 million dollars into them so they can use them for branding in exchange for 15 minutes of fame and saying goodbye to any semblance of a normal childhood

"You are just a child"

"Well, actually I am a very famous climate activist."

"Fine then... You are not special. You say nothing new. We already know about climate change. It is in the news for decades."

"WTF, but I'm a child. Don't be so mean to me!!!!"

She legit looks like she has fetal alcohol syndrome but I guess that is mean

yep and you'd think drinking while pregnant was meaner, but alright

I do want to smack women who drink tho

her mother is a crazy person that thinks she can see carbon dioxide levels in the air and 100% drank during pregnancy

The kid thinks she can see CO2, not the mother.

Yeah, then she 100% drank during pregnancy.

She is open about having autism. But she claims her autism gives her super powers to actually feel the CO2 in the air and how it destroys the earth.

the old david hogg play

She's totally doing it on her own and is not totally being astroturfed by certain interests

Haha this is hilarious. A thread full of a bunch of losers that have never accomplished anything in their pathetic lives acting better than a little kid that's actually out doing shit. Amazing

actually out doing shit literally forced her crew to buy five different plane tickets instead of buying one Cope

i live in my parents basement and will be forgotten by history and some little kid is talking to world leaders why am I suck a loser? Cope

She's a mouthpiece for the neoliberal elite. I'd rather be a the lowest of the low, fucking gaymer, than live that life.

A meatshield against criticism of mitigating extinction? Those dastardly neoliberals!

Do rightoids really believe this retarded shit?



pick one

Do leftoids really believe that blindly throwing money at a problem will fix it? Yes, because feels over reals.

do leftoids really believe this thing I just made up?

Please tell me more about things you don't understand

What are your thoughts on the funding plan for the Paris Accord, little buddy?

Doesn't go near far enough considering the nature of the threat.

It's like if there was a meteor coming to destroy the planet and retard rightoids were like "what about the budget?!?" when someone says maybe we should do something.

You know, absolute retardation.

Thanks for being a perfect example

Oh okay, so giving billions of dollars with no strings attached to developing countries is something no one should doubt the efficacy of.

When I have something very important to do, like feed my pets to keep them alive, if I don't give a shit about how I go about accomplishing that task then I'll fail and my pets will die. I can't just spin around in circles really really fast and expect them not to starve to death if only I could spin faster.

People like you just aren't smart enough to make sure that the "how" is something that's actually going to help, you just think you can feel very very hard and get things done. You can't. Sorry to be the one to tell you, if you want to get things done you have to use your brain and move in a direction that is actually useful. You're leaving yourself open to being manipulated, and you are being manipulated extremely often without even realizing it because you think asking questions makes you a bad person.

Let's not do anything about the giant meteor coming to kill everyone because blah blah blah

It's funny because most issues I can at least understand the rightoid point of view but for some reason this one issue turns almost every rightoid into a complete retard.

Humanity deserves the coming extinction

"The giant meteor is coming! Quick, everyone put their underwear on their head!"

-You, a super duper smart person.

Carbon mitigation is underwear on head


Meteors aren't real

The rightoid extinction cope. Sad

Giving billions of dollars to developing countries with no oversight whatsoever is carbon mitigation.

Fess up: you're literally a child, aren't you?

The problem with the Paris Agreement is it doesn't go far enough. It's still better than "meteors don't exist. Stop building meteor mitigation cause muh jobs"

Literally too retarded to survive The Filter. Thanks rightoids!

No, the problem with the Paris accord is that it's using billions of dollars to do literally nothing. Dear sweet baby fucking Jesus, please stop being such a partisan dumbass and use your brain just a tiny bit.

.6c expected mitigation from PCA and that seems to be the best we can do because the rich are hellbent on burning it all down while the rightoids help.

It's like we're building a rocket to stop the meteor and we've got screaming gremlin monkeys sabotaging everything and then screaming "it's not good enough you'll never build a rocket."

Literally too retarded to not go extinct.

She isn’t doing shit either lmao.

Whatever you need to tell yourself to feel better about your pathetic life friend

Cope diem

Yikes sweaty I like identify as a like, uhm an eco fascist (I know, i’m rly quirky 🤪) because maybe, just maybe a hard right winger like myself can care about the environment too.

But is nooot it chief there’s a total CHUD left wing girl pushing for change i support.

That kid disrespected an elder!


Fuck boomers


That boy is raised to have contempt for everyone that isn't like him. His parents have ruined him because of politics.

I’ve never seen projection of this level

be a retarded teenager

wear a maga cap

some indian cunt and his entourage surrounds you, bangs drum in your face and films every part of it

smile smugly for the cameras because you know you and your pimply bros are somehow the least retarded people in walking distance

"look at these rightoids hating a kid"


those guys are so fucking bitter at being told they cant meme huh its weird af

That's cuz it's true, their utter joylessness is undeniable so it hits really close to home. That's the same reason why they flip their shit over being called NPCs.

Wow, that sub. I have never seen so much concentrated cope.

This post is proof that humanity deserves the coming extinction.