Contrapoints fan meets mommy at a festival for horse enthusiasts! 😍😍😍

40  2019-08-18 by 2Manadeal2btw


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The joke is that this November your vote counts exactly as much as a senile retiree whose political sources are nestled between a thread of gay furry porn and a thread of kids wearing swimsuits.


  1. Contrapoints fan meets mommy at a f... -,,

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That ain’t mommy. Also, uncanny valley much?

She looks amazing.

She's soo pretty

For a bloke, is the silent, unspeakable caveat.

Kind of strange looking for a real girl.

I mean I'd smash but I'm also a fucking pervert...

I kind of might fuck but only if the penis was normal and not either severed and replaced by a gaping pus-oozing wound between the legs in lieu of a vagina or shriveled away into a tiny, leathery mollusc corpse by agressive HRT abuse.

Why is every other post on here about some literally who troid? Who fucking cares what literal fauna has to say?

Everyone should count their blessings and be happy it’s 2019, fucking melts.

Troids are the modern mystics and witch doctors of 2019, sweaty.

Revered across the world for their beauty and their ability to transcend the divide between the sexes, they also have the wisdom and phophetical insight that only comes from being transgender. That's why we listen to them. That's why we in the UK let them write political policy as teenagers and elect them as Women's Officers at the age of 18, because their wisdom is an order of magnitude greater than our own.


I always worry about that with mid-tier celebrities. Would I really recognize Luis Guzman or Brian Tyree Henry out of a crowd at a Walmart?


I saw Franky Muniz in a Walmart in Phoenix, barely recognized him. Just saw the Sklar brothers at my gym on Thursday... Didn't talk to them. I'm a good fan, I don't really want to talk to anyone.

looks like that photo was taken through an entire tub of Vaseline

I legit can't tell which one in that picture is Contra