Pedophilia but it's woke so it's okay.

57  2019-08-18 by BIknkbtKitNwniS


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  1. Pedophilia but it's woke so it's ok... -,

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Age 22

This is the worst agendapost this week, and that's saying a lot.

What's 22 minus 6?

What's 22 minus 0?

So if the literal child you have been fucking turns 18, it retroactively makes it okay? Damn, really makes u ๐Ÿค”

Cry more nazi


Lmao are you poorlilmarco?

Literally who

What are the odds we have two retarded filipino midget furries right here in /r/drama?

I'm filipino now?

Sorry you had to find out this way.


are short and unusually bad at math for someone of your skin color?

Neither of those, I'm a filthy lanky mayo ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

more filthy than most?

Heโ€™s a furry soo....

No I'm not!



Do u kno what apostate means babycakes

Do you kno all yiffinhell posters are furries

Ok dino guy




possibly just fine in the uk, knowing how europe is about degeneracy

A good time.

You have the worst post history I've ever seen on reddit, holy fucking shit


Legal in most US states.


Despite making up less than 3% of the population, faggots account for 40% of all child predators :)


It's oUr CuLTuRe sweaty.

Now get your tragic ass out of here girl bye.


Gender is the common denominator in all violent crime statistics...

If only it weren't also the common denominator in doing all the useful work that civilization needs to continue functioning.

Calm down

Make me a sandwich

Had you even been born when that joke went stale?

Calm down.


I feel like Hollywood offsets that a little bit.

Despite making up only 13% of the population, MDEgenerates account for 50% of all low-quality agendaposts.

Mark and Kayleb are not the only age gap couple to go viral for sharing details of their relationshipโ€”Julia and Eileen are also a lesbian couple with an age gap.


๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ ALL ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ GAYS ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ ARE ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ WOMEN ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ

OP is literally green with jelly his jailbait bussy didn't get pounded by a sugar daddy for some sweet $$$

He did it wrong though. You're supposed to find one really old and elder abuse them into giving you everything when they die a couple years later.

6 years is way too fucking long to be hanging around some old dude when you're 22 and aren't totally unfortunate looking.

nah I've seen that guys youtube channel, he's literally crying every 3 weeks cause daddy fucked some other bussy he found online


Why is it always the younger one with ridiculous makeup? Why not the older dress himself like a drag queen while the younger one has none of those? I think I am noticing a pattern here.

The photoshop is even worse than the makeup itself, dives deep into the uncanny valley.