"Calling someone a 'redditor' in 2019 is like calling someone a cunt back in the 90s"

324  2019-08-18 by bumshecksagogo


Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


  1. "Calling someone a 'redditor' in 20... - archive.org, archive.today

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Kill it with fire 😆😂🤣😆😂🤣

No way this is a bit

Idk how it works but I it definitely is, I just looked through their comments and its.. a lot.

I unironically hate this guy.

I like him

That's nice sweaty


u stupid

I like some of his videos, but most of them are just rants over something pathetic to rant about


Mad cause he accepted his height deficiency and you haven't, huh.

height deficiency


Yikes sweaty, stop projecting your insecurities

SAE, or metric?

cr1tikal is ok

The new wave of twitch clips of him reacting to shitty Youtube videos sucks tho. He's prolly gonna move on at some point but that's like the lowest of the lowest effort content I've ever seen on YT.

You watch Twitch? You deserve to be plated shit for being in a gaming community.

hes talking about cr1tikal posting twitch clips on youtube of him reacting to youtube smh try to keep up gramps

Please be patient, I haven't taken my alzheimers meds today.

I bet you make those jokes, huh

What do you mean by this comment

Thank you for your opinion you've drastically improved the content on this sub, everyone is bursting with seams with thanks for your insight and opinion.


This but unironically

How goddamn stupid do you have to be to Google search basic pest control?

This gay has one of the gayest voices ever created. He sounds like an 8 year doing a man voice but he kept doing it until he was 26 and still sitting in front of a webcam talking about reddit. If youre gonna be a gamer lifestyle fag at least watch funhaus. dear god if youre watchin jontron or gamegrumps its time to pull the jull and admit the autism has won and jump out headfirst of your mothers foodstamp riddled 2nd floor apartment

If youre gonna be a gamer lifestyle fag at least watch funhaus

Almost made me say yikes unironically


Gamegrump fag confirmed

i like him not catching the simpsons reference and reading the whole thing deadpan




how did you know?

"I think as long as you don't go in the comments, it's a pretty goddamn decent site for the most part".

normie detected, comments are literally 75% of the reddit experience. only tards go to /r/all or any default subreddits and look for any subsistence

Yes, but the "reddit experience" is fucking cancer and there are only a few subs left now that aren't full of pretentious retards spewing their stupidity. r/all has been shit since ~2014 but now you can't even go to comments of relatively small subs.

and my axe!

axe my and!!




To shreds, you say?


Perfectly balanced funny marvel purple man

Hell yeah brother, Cheers from Iraq!

rslash thirdsubscription

rslash subredditsarehashtags


EDIT: Thanks for the gold kind stranger!


I straight up thought I landed on r/circlejerk


Roll tide

the "reddit experience" is fucking cancer

>seriousposting on r/Livestreamfails

You dumb bitch.

looking at other redditors post history to "own" them

>replying to retards instead of just chuckling at them briefly and moving on with your day

> doing anything at all

lmao imagine that loser

The "reddit experience" is seeing unironic tankies and commies upvoting each other in default subs, being called a nazi for being objective and not an emotional retard, people praising antifa as heroes. It's absolute cancer.

the fact that you do it every day despite all this makes you braver than any troop

Yeah, you sound like a guy whose emotions never play a role in clouding your "objectivity" lmao

Okay buddy you got me

Gamers rise up

Commies rise up




literal most annoying dude on YouTube.

I see your Penguin0 and I raise you Philip DeFranco.

Sup? you beautiful bastard I hope you are having a fantastic day. Welcome back to the Philip DeFranco show so let's just jump into it.

Im curious, what's wrong with Philip Defranco?






Phillip defranco is a name I've not heard in a LONG time. Is that dude still relevant what so ever ? What does he even do now ?

He has a pipe and slippers and he probably spends his days, like all elderly social media personalities, shouting the n-word to be edgy, threatening suicide, announcing he's leaving youtube/switch/bliptv/cunt.net.ru and furiously masturbating to videos of fourteen-year-old girls twerking with no panties on.

ITT: seething redditors

He needs to cut his hair. He's getting the homelessness levels.

You’d hate my hair then.

I've never seen your but I accept your invitation to hate it.

Is it blue?

Naw it’s normal colored, just long

At some point hair becomes long enough that it's ruly and ordered again and stays where you put it. It's right before that point when it's the most messy.

Does it look good on you? 90% of people I know who’ve grown their hair out look fucking gross and unkempt

To be honest, it depends on the day. However, I believe it looks better on me than short hair does, regardless of the day. It’s also not obscenely long, just reaches the bottom of my neck at most.

If you think it’s better for your hair to be long than short that’s fine then lol just take proper care of it

It deserves all the hate it gets

is the cringe suppose to be this dudes haircut?

peak gamer

i use reddit daily

i love the posts

fag alert faggots

The redditors in this thread are fuming

Can we please tag him so he can discover the only safe haven left on Reddit?

This place is a cesspool too. Don't fool yourself, we're not better than anybody

we're not better than anybody SRDines

You consider them people?

I consider myself a benevolent dramanaut

He has a great video on why discord is bad too

Here it is


Being called a dramanaut infinitely worse IMO.

Perhaps but there are worse things to be called like SRDine and Noah Antwiller.

I being called an SRDine is like being called a cattle rapist.


Well, there is a high concentration of male feminists out there so...

But do they attack cattle?

I suppose some women are qualified to be called cows...

TwoX posters?

cunts smell better than redditors

Pretty sure he just called himself a cunt, saves me from doing it.

Did he even try burning the spiders with fire? All he does is whinge. Trap the spider under a glass jar or Tupperware like a real man. Jesus

Spoken like a man who has never visited western Australia.

Just use bigger Tupperware.

Cr1tiKaL is mai waifu

He's pretty right. Redditors preach about OC and others being normies but it's one of the most normie and unoriginal sites I've ever been on


Ask a stupid question and you'll get a stupid answer

That's big coming from him. His 'funny jokes' comprises of dick, farts, vagina, and crude 'r/imsorandom jokes for fetuses.