OP visibly SEETHES about the lack of Carl-hatred in /r/shameless

48  2019-08-18 by ComedicSans


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I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


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Watching Shameless in 2k19

not a good look

At this point I've been watching so long I'm in it for the long haul, also to see how much worse it can get. I think there's been more bad seasons than good now, as is tradition with Showtime shows.


I mean, hes a retard but he isnt really wrong- like 75% of the cast are terrible actors. William H Macy is the only decent actor on the show.

Yeah, I'm a retard and yet you agree with me 🤣

You’re a retard because you have a superiority complex with nothing to back it up other than your opinion on an actor on a tv show. Fucking retard right there

Damn you are literally following my posts, I'm so glad I pissed you off this much

You been triggered for 3 days over the internet on a topic about an actor

That is truly embarrassing my man, put your phone down bruh.... things like this should never be this serious to you

Yet you respond to every single comment... even the three day old ones. Maybe take your own advice before dishing it out bud

Hell yeah, you are funny as hell

You are the exactly the type of punk ass bitch I would imagine liking shameless

I shit on it just to watch people like you cry

Why you responding, get a life. Take your own advice, kid.

No way, this is too much fun

This dude had a post " ferris wheel flex "

My God your generation sucks, and of course you wear yeezys

It's all making perfect sense

Dude tells me to get a life when he takes pictures of his shoes and posts them online 🤣🤣🤣

You are a funny dude

Once again showcasing that you think your interests and opinions are more important than others. You spend your time trolling online for fun, how is that any more worthwhile?

I'm not trolling nor do I spend much time on here

You have been on this bitch for 5 years and I've barely been on it for not even a year

So again, who uses the internet more

A yeezy wearing shameless fan 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Good argument, I review my stance and I see I am in the wrong. Good day

He’s wrong because he thinks that because he doesn’t like it that means anyone that does is stupid and a lesser person. He can’t convey his opinion without putting down others so yes he is wrong

What the fuck is this?

THIS is Shamelss you dumb yanks.

LOL DAE MICHAEL SCOTT?!? *Laugh track*