More Pitbull propaganda and Chihuahua comparisons

39  2019-08-19 by PrimaryName5


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whenever someone is clearly doing a troll post you will get one of the mods or just some jackass saying "LMAO THIS IS BAIT!! HA HA HA" like they are in on the joke.

imagine you are watching a movie and some asshole yells out spoilers. it ruins the total performance. just shut the fuck up, like a good retard, and enjoy the show. dont be such an idiot and scream like you and the writers are on the same level because you are not. it is art.

i have literally seen countless posts where bait is ruined because some faggot points out it is bait so they can feel internet savvy. i am actually very angry.


  1. More Pitbull propaganda and Chihuah... -,,

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They're not responsible for more attacks than any other breed. Chihuahuas are the most likely dog to bite people.

Yeah but if I chihuahuas tries to bite me I can just punt it 20 feet away

Could you ever be as bad as arguing as these subhumans? Guise children are the most aggressive of humans and lack the most control therefore in theory they have a higher body count than blacks.


Can someone make r/ TechnicallyCorrectBadFaith?

And it is not even true.

Basically a house cat vs roided up murder beast

I wonder when they're going to compare pibbles to pugs or something lol

I would easily take on a chihuahua over a house cat.

Not if you're a toddler.

Men aren't responsible for most domestic assaults. Women are the most likely to assault their spouses.

How many deaths are Chihuahuas responsible for on a yearly basis?

The pibble defense force is so predictable.

Well you see the pibble is not the most aggresive dog because there are other breeds that bite more often, pibbles just happen to kill the most people, pets, and livestock by an enormous margin, but it's okay because chihuahuas bite more

Pibble just attacking that peaceful shark; shit breed out of control again

It's wild how so many people are so retarded that they don't seem to understand the 2 simple things that make pibbles more dangerous than any other dog.

They show no warning signs before they freak out and when they're attack they do more damage than any other type of dog

Nah they secretly know. Nobody names their pibble normal names, it's always fucking Titan, Zeus, Brutus, Diesel, etc.

Thats so fucking true. I knew of two pitbulls who names were Diesel and Silver.

Pibbles are the best. Fighting sharks, eating babies and being cute and snuggly AF at the same time. Dramatards and faggy little rat dogs getting btfo on the daily.

Pibbles are pro choice activist doggos. They're just trying to help their hoomans get the empowering seventh and eighth trimester abortions they deserve.

As I have previously stated, pitbulls are an important part of a healthy ecosystem. Without pitbulls the toddler population would explode and you'd have the little fuckers swarming the streets. Crawling out in front of cars and causing accidents, going through your trash cans and destroying your garden. Planned parenthood would have to be called in to airdrop poisoned gogurts all over the place.

Pitbulls were bred in Victorian England for fighting bulls and other dogs..


Oh look a Pitbull just fought a shark


Cute? I'm gonna start showing shit bull owners drawings of cthulu and pressure them into calling them cute.

Cthulu's got nothing on you incelface


Pit bulls aren’t inherently bad dogs. They’re dogs meant for adults only. Just like you wouldn’t let your kids play with an adult gun you also wouldn’t let your kids play with a pit bull.

Maybe your pussy kids but my babies wield dual ARs and ride hulking pitmonsters through the playground laying waste to any bitch ass niggas that try to step.

Your kids seem really cool and neat

They're honor students too. I've got the bumper stickers to prove it

Guns don't randomly attack people. Comparing Pitbulls to firearms is ridiculous.

I'm talking about adult guns

If you take away their pitbulls, they'll just get an even more dangerous dog-monster to compensate for their small penis. You want gangbangers having Presa Canarios?

Did you know that you can ban multiple breeds?

Then they switch to Akitas.

Yeah and we keep banning these thuggish breeds until everyone's left with normal dogs like Labradors and Collies.

You're more likely to be bit by a Chihuahua than a Pitbull

Maybe so, but you're more likely to die or be seriously injured by being mauled by a Pitbull than having your ankles bitten by a Chihuahua.

To be fair I doubt a little bitch like you could even take on a Chihuahua.

Its over for pibblehater-cels.

Cthulu's got nothing on you incelface.