Why do we allow zoomers to discuss politics?

87  2019-08-19 by Ghdust2


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And what's Spicer going to say, "Oh yeah, it's all legit!" First of all, he's not even one of the 10, and you can tell Trump wouldn't let him in on it. And second of all, if he did say that, it would just make tons of people bombard him with more questions about it, which he really knows nothing about. This is top level Military Intel at the highest level of Classified Clearance.


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hopefully he’s not repulsive and someone will touch his penis

Have sex, teen.

I wonder if these people will ever realize outside of over the top zealots(and even some of them will) most foids do not give a flying fuck as long as you aren’t walking around throwing up Roman salutes. You can be a fascist, communist, whatever the fuck. Women almost never give a shit lol

"I'd beat the shit out of my kid if I suspected him of being a nazi"

Finding someone to fuck an AHSer, finding someone attracted to him enough to consider postponing the genetic dead-end of an /r/politics poster, having that someone carry to term and nurture a child, providing for and socialising a child until their late teens, all without passing on the vividly displayed autism, is a bold "if" indeed. And that's not even going into the question of whether he even has the upper body to throw a punch, let alone conduct a beating on the fierce combatant that is a 15 year old child

At least antifa play pretend outside in the fresh air, this dude doesn't even need to leave the comfort of his home when he dreams about beating the shit out of children

r/AHS thinks about touching little kids a lot. That's why they post on r/teenagers

Ahs users can't have kids anyway because their hormone therapy has already made them infertile. They're doing everyone a favour by removing themselves from the reproductive pool

The more things change, the more they stay the same; as humans adapted to life in the 21st century, so has natural selection it seems 😮

Nah, Flynn effect has reversed, unless there's some major catastrophe that makes us fight for survival again it's a straight ride from here to Idiocracy IRL.

Yes. And you should be allowed to be called a racist if those opinions are xenophobic.

Fucking zoomers don't even know the difference between racism and xenophobia.

My girlfriend had a kid tell her he’s a nazi. She teachers 7th grade. She asked him why and he said because he has blonde hair and blue eyes and black kids bully him so he hates them.

Smh kid didn’t even know about the fucking JQ

That’s... kind of hilarious.

Honestly it was hilarious she said of her classes he was like 1 of the only white kids. Apparently he was literally typing in like “nazi cool pic” and stuff on his work tablet 😂

It’s even better because she’s super white, but hispanic and he thought she was like his buddy because they were both white. Apparently “unfathomably based” was not the response I was supposed to give when she told me the story.

If it were true.

She asked him why and he said because he has blonde hair and blue eyes and black kids bully him so he hates them.

Based as fuck.

Dude. Fix your grammar

i don't mind them being conflated because i don't like how clunky it is when i say "i'm racist and also hate leafs"

I used to be a Nazi, but I'm a communist now.

My sister was 'tarded. She's a pilot now.

Maybe it's the boyfriend of the trussy who was in here bragging about converting Nazi's into tankies with that sweet sweet butthole.

Zoomers get to talk about politics because people stopped beating their children. As a result, they grow up with the misconception that their stupid opinions have value.

Old head (23) chiming in, when I was 15 I knew that being a Nazi/Racist/Anti-Semite was bad. You all should too.

Just file that under "don't be a dick to people".

One, why the fuck is a God damn 23 year old man posting in teenagers in an unironic fashion. I'm not much older than this fucking guy, I can't imagine not feeling absolutely pathetic being in community for literal children.

Two, Jesus fuck, the idea of "don't be a dick to people lmao" must be the most retarded fucking political statement I've ever heard. Alt-right people don't see themselves as going around and "being dicks" to people. They see themselves as being under attack by leftists, brown people, and Jews and that there is a fundamental incompatibility between those people and building an ideal society and therefore those groups need to be purged and society be an extremely socially conservative, all white nation.

You can't just tell these people "don't be a dick lol" because in their view they're being attacked and their movement is a defensive one. You have to convince alt-right people that their views are unironically fucking retarded, which shouldn't actually be too hard if you put an iota of genuine effort into it because alt-right views are retarded.

60% of r/teenagers is pedophiles and extremist recruiters

60%? Lol

Why does a 23 man who still hangs in spaces for snot nosed children have the political and emotional depth of a snot nosed child


Just, like, get along maaaaaaaaaan

Why does a 23 man who still hangs in spaces for snot nosed children have the political and emotional depth of a snot nosed child

Be excellent to each other!

Stop fucking killing each other!

Two of my favorite tardit sentiments.

God I hate "be excellent to each other" so much. You have to have absolutely zero knowledge or understanding of human nature to honestly believe that will work.

One, why the fuck is a God damn 23 year old man posting in teenagers in an unironic fashion.

Chapoids and related leftists use it as a recruitment center. I wish I were joking.



Honestly why do we allow anyone without high hereditary peerage or massive land holdings discuss politics? If the Sultan says it, it is good.

Lol there are people in that thread unironically using that crazy mom tweet where she stalked her son and found memes about (((them))) as advise for "reeducating" their kids into the right idealogy. Since when was r/teenagers a sub for adults to convert kids to the correct way of thinking lol

he believes Europe will be muslim majority soon

Yes that's true though he's not even wrong. Sweden is the rape capital of the western world right now.

Don’t downvote the lolcpw

and thats a good thing

Imagine being such a shitty parent that your kid disagrees with you politically

Imagine passing any judgments about parenting as a literal teenager

Explain teen moms then retard

I wouldn't trust a teen mom's judgments on parenting

this but unironically

lmao, no way you could beat up a child