breed of peace strikes again

39  2019-08-19 by DAEcarlsaganeveryday


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I did a research paper this summer on this subreddit and there was a published study that found that 74% of attacks on Reddit came from 1% of source subreddits. I assume that subs like r/Drama are the 1%.


  1. breed of peace strikes again -,,

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That would make a great metal album cover from back in the day when metal was actually edgy has learned that the new single from death metal band KaiserSchaffer69 will feature lyrics openly advocating hatred of all mankind. Since mankind is a gendered word and all of mankind includes women, people color and people of transtrender, would like to immediately condemn them. believes trans rights are human rights and that the oppression in heavy metal communities needs to be stopped.

-Signed, the editors at

What the fuck happened to metal

Much like pro wrestling, comic books, stand up comedy, drinking, smoking, partying and fun in general... the unbullied nerds took it over.

Metalsucks has never been about metal. It's an """ironic""" Corey Taylor fanblog that also dickrides Scott Hull.

Ha. Sheep and doggo-hating sheeple btfo.



Watch out floofer. Pibble is gonna do a H E C K I N B O O P on your baby.

I guess there were no toddlers around so the pibble had to settle for sheep

I've ran into similar issues

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so sheep aren’t good fighters

I just lit up my keyboard with coffee

the goat had it coming

clearly the pibbles was just giving some kisses .😘😘😘

The dog crawled under the fence after digging a hole, then bit into its face crushed it's throat(resulting in coughing up his own blood) and left a chunk of flesh hanging out from it's rear end.

My second sheep tail was essentially degloved (think skin literally pulled offed) and i could seen into her spinal/tail bones.

Basically the same as a chihuahua according to reddit dog experts