The Babylon Bee goes HAM in response to Snopes' "factually inaccurate content" article.

294  2019-08-19 by jubbergun


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I’m always amazed how few people know about Gamergate. It’s not only the key to understanding so many violent harassment campaigns going on today, it’s lots of the same people angry about the same stuff using the same playbook.


  1. The Babylon Bee goes HAM in respons... -,

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Chris cucks bringing the fucking bantz. Now we just need this to escalate into literal violence for the dramacoin.

A girly slap fight between the lamest person from each organization would be an excellent start.

The world was a fuckton less gay when we had duels and trial by combat, coincidence? I think not

I keep suggesting bringing back the small sword as a form of conflict resolution.

Dueling pistols > knives

Guns are too easy to sabotage. Duels with blades are more just.

Plus, weebs have wayyyyy more access to mall ninja shit than guns usually

Italian Rapier is so much less gay.

posts picture of two naked dudes penetrating eachother

That was the joke, yes. Thank you for explaining it to the class.

Calm down.

he can dish but not take


I will penetrate you.

I never seem to resolve any conflict by whipping out my smallsword. I don't know about that.

not using the manly Broadsword


Cope what? It's clear snopes is the ones here coping


Christ, do I have to add clarification or /s to everything now?



Holup Let me turn my hearing aids up

Hang on, let me pull up the flowchart...


Pepe Silva!

For the christcucks, clearly




snope <-we are here

elope (w/ 72x virgin bussy)

May we reach our destination soon inshallah

lemme interlope into that bussy

If you want to become a Redditor, yes.

Where did Snopes touch you?

Seethe bussy lmao

Ehhh both sides here are being little twats

Too Many People Think Satirical News Is Real

somehow I suspect they’ll turn a blind eye to Colbert and all the other John Stewart copycats on late night TV and elsewhere

Snopes would have never categorized The Colbert Report as fake news because the term didn't exist then. The term Colbert coined was Truthiness.

They specifically mentioned the Colbert Report

so did they come out with a whole website entry proclaiming Colbert fake news like they did with the Babylon Bee?

You can't just completely change your retarded statement and then pretend you aren't retarded.

Snopes already apologized and reworded the article. What else do you spergs want?

I want them to keep on pretending to be a fact checking site as neutral as WaPo or the NYT, it makes for great drama


Christ cucks bringing the fucking bantz.

It's amazing considering how milquetoast the Bee's early satire was. I hope they keep it up and really rub Snope's nose in it.

Boomer '''humor'''


Are you talking about Snopes or The Babylon Bee? Right now they both seem like comedy outlets.



The boomer humor is coming from inside the sub


Neither are funny. 😴😴😴

Boomers got a Babylon Bee in their bonet

tbf I don't blame snopes for fact checking them. Modern conservatives are so absurdly dumb they often repeat satire articles as if they're real.

For example, one of the most popular images on the Donald for a while was senator Byrd is a klan robe.

That picture came from a satire website and was fake.

but he did literally found a chapter of the kkk. it's not like the bad people made up the association between him and the klan.

He was in the klan in the 1940s. They literally took his senate photo and photoshopped a klan robe over it and then tried to claim he was still an active member of the KKK.

That guy turned his life around many years ago, for example:

“Senator Byrd reflects the transformative power of this nation,” stated NAACP President and CEO Benjamin Todd Jealous. “Senator Byrd went from being an active member of the KKK to a being a stalwart supporter of the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act and many other pieces of seminal legislation that advanced the civil rights and liberties of our country.

“Senator Byrd came to consistently support the NAACP civil rights agenda, doing well on the NAACP Annual Civil Rights Report Card. He stood with us on many issues of crucial importance to our members from the reauthorization of the Voting Rights Act, the historic health care legislation of 2010 and his support for the Hate Crimes Prevention legislation,” stated Hilary O. Shelton, Director of the NAACP Washington Bureau and Senior Vice President for Advocacy and Policy. “Senator Byrd was a master of the Senate Rules, and helped strategize passage of legislation that helped millions of Americans. He will be sorely missed.”


Let me translate that for the non-rightoids here "I have no response and just got bent the fuck over."



Can you not read? I said he turned his life around years ago, not that he did it in the 1940s.

I said he was in the klan in the 1940s.

He voted for the civil rights act in 1968, for example.

"There are white niggers. I've seen a lot of white niggers in my time, if you want to use that word."

-Reformed racial humanitarian and sitting US Senator Robert Byrd in 2001.

I don't care about the words of an old grandpa, I care about actions. And his actions say it all.

I don't care about the words of an old grandpa

Then why don't you leave Donald Josephine Trump alone? You're so mean.

Because Trump is also engaging in terrible actions. He's trying to put in place terrible policy, and is using racial demagoguery to rile up his base.

What do you think about his wetland policies in Eastern Wyoming?

Get the fuck out of here.

Wow I figured you'd be on the forefront of stopping the madman from polluting our public areas. In an age of fascism pizza, your silence is violence.

He passed prison reform that helps blacks more than most others. The black unemployment is the lowest it has ever been. Seems like his actions are helping so I guess it's okay he sayd big boy words here or there.

Yeah he did all that by himself. It had nothing to do with the decade old bipartisan legislation that was fought over and wound it's way through Congress. And the unemployment had nothing to do with the recovering economy that started improving in 2011. Nothing could have been done without ol Donny.


Good point I'm sure all the Basketball Americans will vote Trump because he's been so good for them

Nah they're too ignorant like someone else winky face

He passed prison reform that helps blacks more than most others.

No, congress did, he signed it while trying to extract concessions.

The black unemployment is the lowest it has ever been.

What does this graph show?

Seems like his actions are helping so I guess it's okay he says big boy words here or there.

Do you even have the IQ to know why you're a moron?

Man you still don't understand this subreddit. That's sad. You're a sad person.

Don't say stupid things on the internet if you don't want to be corrected.

Isn't saying stupid things on the internet your whole schtick? Plus what I said was correct. You're just mad papa Orange is the best for blacks since Johnson.

What lol? do you honestly not know how to read a graph?

To begin with, it is true that the 2018 black unemployment rate was the lowest it has been since the Bureau of Labor Statistics began reporting it in 1972

Ok, but I'm asking you what the graph I linked shows. What is the trend on that graph?

It shows it's lower now than ever before. Weird like what I said. Do you know how to read a graph? Because you are making claims that the graph doesn't support like the unemployment rate was lower before it is today. That is just lies.

Are you actually just not reading anything being said to you?

Your claim:

  • Trump has reduced black unemployment.

My argument:

  • Here's a graph showing a reduction in black unemployment is long-term and likely has nothing to do with anything Trump did.

No your argument said nothing about the trend.

I wrote this "The black unemployment is the lowest it has ever been."

You responded with this

What does this graph show? That clearly is you trying to claim that it's not the lowest. I even said it's true it's the lowest but not everyone gives Trump credit and you argued against that. So now what is your argument? Because now you're literally arguing it's the lowest but not because of him so you are now agreeing it's the lowest which you didn't before. You're the king retard.

No your argument said nothing about the trend.

Why else would I link you a graph cutting off at 2015 you idiot? I was clearly using the graph to show a trend.

This is embarrassing to watch.

I wrote this "The black unemployment is the lowest it has ever been."

No, you claimed TRUMP had reduced the black unemployment rate. I linked a graph showing long term black unemployment rates. There is absolutely no way for you to spin this, there is no way you did not know why I linked that graph. What you are doing here, and not at all in a subtle way, is trying to spin out of the fact you made an argument that is not supported by the available data.

That clearly is you trying to claim that it's not the lowest.

I linked you a graph showing a steady decline of black unemployment over the years to claim black unemployment is not the lowest? Are you high?

I even said it's true it's the lowest but not everyone gives Trump credit and you argued against that.

No you fucking didn't.

In fact, here is your first comment:

Bigboybaths 12 points 17 hours ago He passed prison reform that helps blacks more than most others. The black unemployment is the lowest it has ever been. Seems like his actions are helping so I guess it's okay he says big boy words here or there.

This is one of the most embarrassing attempts to outright lie I have ever seen on /r/drama. Truly amazing.

Cope because you said stupid shit and I corrected you.

What in the actual fuck are you high on? This is seriously cringe to watch, not only did you just try to lie about what this argument was over, but you tried to claim I said black unemployment was not the lowest, after I, myself, linked a graph showing that.

Absolutely unhinged.

Cope 2 the Copening


t. Pizzashill

t. Pizzashill

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Racism is the worst thing ever unless the guy votes for your side then it's all right

From ‘’dumpftard fake news’’ to ‘’this KKK member wasn’t actually that bad’’ what did y’all do to this poor yangpede?

They really need to start teaching some form of critical thinking.

I don’t need to read because i destroy libtards everyday 👊😳👌

Unfortunately it's too late for you 😔

check his anus for trauma

Nobody denied he was in the KKK during the 1940s. The picture they used was from fairly recently, and they photo shopped a klan robe over him and tried to claim he was STILL an active member of the KKk.

How unexpected, that someone would try and lampoon a dude for his historical Klan association

Also, caping for Robert Byrd in current year, lmfao

They weren't "lampooning him for a historical association with the Klan."

They were outright lying to smear someone, and blatantly so. I had at least 15 Trumptards link me that picture and claim Byrd, that day, was an active member of the KKK and then use the picture as proof.

You're out of your league, moron.

Byrd was dead long before T_D ever became a thing, lmao. Maybe they were being haunted by his racist ghost and we're trying to ask you for help.

And besides, under current day woke logic, Byrd would have never lived his Klan beginnings down

What does him being dead have to do anything you moron? They were still trying to smear him and they were still lying.

And besides, under current day woke logic, Byrd would have never lived his Klan beginnings down

Clearly not, considering nobody held it against him because he redeemed himself.

a.) Who cares and b.) Why do you think those people would listen to Snopes in the first place but it's just hilarious to me that there's a BDF in place apparently

I hope he notices how much you love him. I hope it means something to him. When you die and go to racist heaven you too may be granted a free white nigger for your personal use, like Islam but gay and shit

Who cares that millions of Americans are so absurdly dumb they think satire is real?

So why does Snopes exist? It does literally nothing anyway.

Byrd didn't dismantle Capitalist Amerikkka so he's a white supremacist in the end anyway. Might as well have been a klansman at the end

Snopes goes after random bullshit on the internet because people actually believe said bullshit.

And yes, Donald Trump is a profoundly ignorant moron that appeals to the poorly educated and the mentally incompetent.

He's a terrible president, a terrible person, and has no business being anywhere near the white house.

He's what happens when half of a country decides facts no longer matter.


The people who you're whining about don't care about Snopes. Snopes is literally not going to matter to them so who cares if it fact checks satire or not

Neat, it's not there for Trump and his mentally disabled base. It's there for the middle of the pack normies that are vulnerable to the same boomer bait propaganda the trumptards are.

You’re arguing with someone who is still having a mental breakdown from 2016.

At what point do you just stop and call the halfway house?

still having a mental breakdown from 2016.

Lol he was like this before then too, it just got worse

Brainlet mental gymnastics, how can you even claim the high ground if you're this retarded

"Byrd recruited 150 of his friends and associates to create a new chapter of the Ku Klux Klan"

lmao imagine getting in touch with 150 people in an attempt to dunk on basketball americans.

also I was banned from /r/news for mentioning robert byrd

Why are you back on this account?

Probably someone bought a 1 day ban for him.

r u avin a giggle m8?

And modern leftists think women can have a penis and the soldiers in WW2 were the original antifa. Turns out most people are retarded, you especially

I don'tt speak 75 IQ boomer, you'll have to formulate a real argument. And considering you're the historically illiterate moron that tried to claim nazis were left wing, your opinions aren't high value to me.


How does your nan cope, knowing that she had a chance to do the right thing but instead shat you out?

Do I know you?

Too accurate?


Trump is a racist because he's pushing racial demagoguery.

My argument is that you're a puffed up moron high on his own farts, because that's the only argument I'll ever need. Point in case, you're still mad that I destroyed your credibility by proving that the NatSocs were in fact a leftwing organization until they were ousted out of their own party by Hitler and the Nazis. You even provided me with the proof I needed in your eternal desperation to be right 100% of the time. So while your busy COPING and SEETHING, try and remember who your betters are.

If I want a sub HS level understanding of history or some other topic you'll be the first person I ask. that's exactly how I'll explain it because I'm an autistic clown with no actual knowledge, just source after source that I don't even bother to read.

FTFY bud.

We have a guy literally claiming every relevant historian and expert on the subject is wrong and claiming I'm the one with no knowledge. The memes write themselves.


That struts and frets his hour upon the stage. And then is heard no more: it is a tale. Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing.

Historically illiterate moron.

Aww bro, dont put yourself down like that. I mean, I know its true but damn

I feel like WW2 soldiers would shake their head and laugh as they called Antifa and proud boys a bunch of faggots

And talk about how segregation is a good thing and how they're happy their woman is at home with their 4 kids cooking dinner for them

Antifa people would crumble at their idolized WW2 vets calling them faggots and probably tell em they are acting like nazi's


Sure it is pizzashill but he is still a cow nonetheless.

No pizza is the exception. Hes immune to downvotes as it only fuels his desperate need to be right all the time.

Downvoting pizza actually makes him sperg harder and harder. It’s quite funny.

Downvote cope. Rightoidd too dumb to figure out satire and try to laugh at the ones pointing out that theyre retarded for believing it by saying "no duhh it was satire"

More like leftoid cope after the failure of their great leader again. After he gets backed into a corner he immediately backpedals into saying it's not for conservitards, it's for everybody else who's just as stupid as them.

COPE harder.

Oh sweaty no, you literally chose the worst possible example to make your point .

That's kind of his thing tho

Take your meds

pizza sorry but you have become a literal retard

before i thought you were sometimes being semi ironic but i don't know if it's just a recent development or not but you're a caricature of a neet reddit /pol poster now

Yes, I am a literal retard for pointing out reality that makes rightoids look bad.

You're a rightoid, you're the actual retard.

Get a job. Seriously.

If you started venturing outside your trailer and meet real life people you might stop thinking everyone to the right of fucking Mao is a retard.

Nah, you're a rightoid.

Everyone's a rightoid if you never meet anyone who isn't a commie

The fact you think I'd ever qualify as a "commie" or a "leftist" is in fact evidence you are projecting and are a far-rightoid.

Netflix later called the Snopes fact-checker off the case, assuring him no one is watching Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.

Wtf I love the Babylon bee now? >!unironically made me laugh!<

Its amazing how both boomers and soyfiends can enjoy common ground in finding the KotCS astoundingly retarded

Really warms your heart

There are soyfiends on /r/MarvelShill that think the movie is good

Second worst Indiana Jones movie.

Ya know, one of these days I'm gonna have to drink myself stupid and try watching it

I recommend stoned over drunk, but only cause stupid dialogue sounds even stupider when drunk. At least baked youd enjoy all the """glorious""" visual effects it has to offer

Babylon Bee is genuinely pretty funny a lot of the time tbh


0.02$ has been deposited into your Babylon bee account

They're still raging about this 😂

This is all reddits fault, stop reading just the headline you fucking galaxy brains.

Lol no

Fuck they're good.


Babylon bee actually posted something funny? Is this the dark realm?