Police art project calls integrity into question. Statistics on Suicide watch.

39  2019-08-19 by Hermaphroshep


furry is zoophile blackface


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The joke is that this November your vote counts exactly as much as a senile retiree whose political sources are nestled between a thread of gay furry porn and a thread of kids wearing swimsuits.


  1. Police art project calls integrity ... - archive.org, archive.today

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How retarded do you have to be to edit a mugshot and think everyone will be cool with it?

Instagram culture

The answer is: be a cop. They hire literal retards for a reason and it isn't because they're able to think rationally.

How many cops do you work with in a given week, pizza?

Too many.

When reality itself eats the Onion. I have an uncle who is a retired cop, and even after 20 years of service he doesn’t like to talk about it. I don’t ask why, and everyone is happy to go about their day... they’re not too bad but I’ve run into at least one crazy one on the subway...

The excuse is easy. "We believe the suspe t put on makeup to cover his facial tattoos while commiting the crime."

Then why the fuck not just put make up on him and retake the picture?

How is that any different? Lol

Because whichever moron photoshopped him did a terrible job and made it look like he has a beard and much thicker hair, which will probably get brought up in court.

For one thing, they'd have to arrest him first and they probably didn't have enough evidence to do that without the witnesses.

How did you not detect this was a joke? Lol

You can’t force him to wear makeup and stand in a lineup

The two pics don't even look like the same dude. They edited his skin to be darker and his hair/beard to be thicker too.

Imagine if, every time you made a mistake, you had your entire union, the DA's office, and mayor defending you.

You would stop worrying about making mistakes.

His name is Tyrone? Be def did it.

And his middle name is Lamont like the guy from Sanford & Son. You can’t make this shit up.

police stopped him on the freeway for driving a car with no license plates, headlights or taillights.

dude is a wildman

They just handed this guy's lawyer that keys to his jail cell. The jury is going to eat this up likes it's candy.

I like how the guy's called Tyrone.