Do r/menslib subscribers even have genitals anymore?

192  2019-08-19 by Ghdust2


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  1. Do r/menslib subscribers even have ... -,,

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How did these people come to the assumption that the majority of women want a pussy ass man? Most women are perfectly okay with a man playing the role of a man and seek it out. But there people act like they should be letting the woman dictate everything and anything.

Spending their entire lives online and in communities like that gives them a warped view of what an average person actually thinks or feels

I guess so. Because most liberal women I know still don’t expect men to act like mens libbers

You literally can't take anything you read on the internet seriously regarding social interaction. The conversations are being had by people who spend more time in front of a computer than with people, about being made uncomfortable by completely normal things like a touch on the shoulder, and completely blown out of proportion because it's all for upvotes and visceral posts garner visceral reactions.

It would be nice to live in a world where people could read minds and never make anyone uncomfortable ever, but that's never going to happen.

Is this an attack on drama?

r/menslib is the gateway to r/braincels. Menslib so fundamentally misunderstands what it is that women actually want that its comical. Menslibbers is all about being overly kind to women, not flirting, and putting them on a pedestal. It is a place to train men (who will almost certainly end up incels) to not shoot up a Walmart or school. Abandon all hope ye who enter r/menslib

What blows my mind more is that some of them actually get a girl all the way to their bedroom before the autism becomes clear. Every chick I've ever fucked would have ghosted these guys after the first date from the serial killer vibes they must be giving off. Like how does sexual tension even build when when your too afraid to even touch her hand b/c she might interpret that as rape?

Imagine being on the internet and woke twitter and shit for hours a day though. I would probably develop some sort of unhealthy complex to tbh. These folks think they are doing the right thing (in which some cases they are) but it ends up crippling every aspect of their personality to the point they become completely unfuckable to your average woman

Maybe the chicks they see are into surprise rape play and just wait for them to snap

Menslib so fundamentally misunderstands what it is that women actually want

Tbh they’re just practicing what feminists preach. The only problem is that most women wouldn’t call themselves feminists.

Yup and as they get older less and less consider themselves feminists

Plus many of those who would call themselves feminists are not feminist in the way Menslib perceives is.

That's more a result of older women being born in a different time with a different mindset. Boomer women were basically raised around the idea of becoming traditional housewives.

Majority of Young women don’t consider themselves feminists either. And the older category starts at 35 years old. It’s not 100% 70 year old house wives. Majority of women just don’t see themselves at feminists and that’s a good thing.

Majority of Young women don’t consider themselves feminists either.

It's 46% of 18-35 year olds, so barely. That number would have been lower in past years, as feminists were considered a fringe element of society, while nowadays feminist ideas have been integrated into mainstream society and media, and made much more accessible by the internet.

It's even higher when you narrow it down to us "coastal elites" instead of Walmart-Americans.

Because women shouldn’t have rights or privileges.

unfortunately our qween tay will lead us to the moidicide. enjoy your weenie while you still have it

Its a loud and vocal minority for sure. Especially prominent on the internet

That's what the internet is for though amplifying and making small vocal groups seem to be huge groups.

Cant forget the porn

even the ones preaching it like to get slapped and choked, they just start ranting about how they were "assaulted" when the guy leaves them

Feminists don't really want or respect these cucks either. It's the typical foid cognitive dissonance of what they say they want vs what they really want.


Menslib so fundamentally misunderstands what it is that women actually want that its comical Here at r/Drama, we know what women want

Chad drama vs the Virgin menslib

We know what they gonna get

We know what they gonna get

We know what they gonna get

By deciding that any and every specific thing a guy can do to approach a woman is in some way "creepy" or "gross" or whatever.


Internet culture.

A friend of mine is currently railing a girl whose bf refuses to have rough sex because he „doesn’t hit women“ even if that’s literally what they want in bed. Guess who’s hitting her now?

That’s the product of these menslib mindsets.

Meh. I would be pretty uncomfortable with doing it rough.

Guess who's getting metoo'd

It's a reasonable thing to think of you don't have much life experience, and it's comforting if you feel you can take a more passive role.

Women constantly say things they don't mean when it comes to sex due to a few factors but primarily because they don't want to look like sluts. Not many women will put 'I want you to humiliate me and fuck me hard' on their dating site profile pages, they'll instead talk about they want a man who is nice and respectful and so menslib types see that and take it at face value.

It takes some experience before you start to read between the lines and disregard a lot of the shit that they say.

They are being trained by feminists. And they train them to be what they think they want in a man, not what they actually want because that's problematic

imagine being a chick and wanting some chad cock and you inadvertently let your guard down and let a meslib poster into your bedroom. Only to discover it too late that this man cant even get to poking because hes afraid of how misogynistic the act of penetration is.

PIV is rape

I only perform cunnilingus on my trans gf

Does she have a good mouth feel

Gentlemen do not kiss and tell, good sir.

Please don’t use gendered language, thank you.

I sincerely apologize. Ugh my gf is gonna be mad when he hears about this transgression.

Remind me to mention it when I'm done with her tonight.

the pronouns in this thread make me want to keep myself safe

Why is the gilded symbol so big?

probably because you haven't disabled CSS or are browsing on mobile



Nice setup nerd

Honestly I didn’t even mean to do that lol

Ok, that's epic.

Mmmm that gangrene flavor.

Pegging is where it's at, fam.


Can't have the rubes getting wise to the game lmao

It's just a smooth patch of skin where their genitals used to be

Like a Ken doll, but 300 pounds and a neckbeard

Some of them are 120 pounds too.

there is no inbetween

Plenty are skinny fat. They are only united by the lack of any form of exercise.

That’d be nice for sitting on a crowded plane

Manspreading is a good thing and if you don't do it you're a MensLibtard

Imagine becoming so woke you accidentally become an incel


As if they could ever help it. The wokeness is copeness.

I refuse to believe most of these comments aren't larps.


Based and cucked pilled


I don't think it's been said so I'll hop in as a woman - asking for consent can be very sexy, if that helps.

Narrator: It didn't.

Tbh that's better than they guys who are too chicken to even ask and just do nothing instead

Yeah, consent really isn't hard. "You in the mood?" is all it takes. It doesn't need to be something elaborate like MRA types have dreamed up.

"Would you (person A) like to engage in sexual activities including but not limited too (boring-ass missionary that will last at least 45 seconds but no longer than 2 minutes) with me (person B) this would be a non binding sexual union and afterward you would be contractually obligated to eat my shitty attempt at making breakfast."

or conversely "hey wanna fuck?"

pfft like anyone goes for that any more it is 2019 and it's all about cuckolding and mind games no one actually has sex for direct reasons anymore.


Unless you are some kind of subhuman non-cuck.

Am I oppressing Tyrone when he has sex with my wife?

Yep totally. He should be fucking you as well.

Get a load of this guy, too fancy for missionary smh my head

When I was younger and dumber I dated an absolute doormat who was always too scared to initiate anything. Nothing is more of a turn off than that level of rock bottom low self esteem.

good to know

You could have groomed him into the perfect obedient little sissy

There's a large group on Reddit who believe it's necessary to ask at every step in the process.

no wonder these guys end up as incels, if everyone just lied to me constantly lied to me about women it would probably be inevitable

Pretty sure you are required to submit a timestamped picture of your balls on a plate to the mod team before you get posting rights.

You know how undercover law enforcement agents make up 98% of the KKK and they don't realize everyone there are cops because they're from different units and agencies?

I'm convinced menslib is literally just a bunch of dramanauts on their alts LARPing to make menslib look as stupid as possible and nobody realizes that everyone else is just there LARPing, too.


I hope you are correct, the my sanity's sake.

Incel groups in general are like the man who was Thursday.

It is better for a woman to feel comfortable than for me to get laid, but it leaves me sexually frustrated like 80% of the time.

Same here. To be honest, I'd rather remain a virgin for the rest of my life than make a girl uncomfortable once. Luckily, the sexual frustration becomes easier to deal with over time.

Do they not realize it’s possible for a woman to be comfortable during sex?

Would you be comfortable with one of them in your room?

I think they mean make a random women uncomfortable with an unwanted gesture.

Why not just castrate themselves at this point?

Jesus Christ

Not incels btw

This is why I will always think inceltears is more pathetic than braincels will ever be. At least incels either turn to shooting Americans or chadding themselves out to utter perfection at the expense of their mental health- menslib and inceltears posters just stay incredibly mediocre, weak, cucked and afraid of women their entire lives.

Of course they do.

They keep then in a little box next to their funko pops.

Korean eunuchs would keep their nuts in a little porcelain jar so that when they died they could be buried with all their parts. I want to believe that menslibbers follow a similar ritual.

What a bunch of soyboys. Then they wonder why they’re still single. Hey guess what losers, those ladies you want are after Chad Thundercock, the guy who would go up to some random girl and show them his dick and say “Yo it ain’t gonna suck itself” and get a bunch of thots baby battered up. If you ain’t doing that shit, you’re doing it wrong.

Hey guess what losers, those ladies you want are after Chad Thundercock, the guy who would go up to some random girl and show them his dick and say “Yo it ain’t gonna suck itself” and get a bunch of thots baby battered up. If you ain’t doing that shit, you’re doing it wrong.

I too was an /r9k/ poster once.

Then I hit my twenties and realized that the world doesn't quite work like that.

The reality is like most things hidden between the lines you go to bars and hook up with someone so drunk they won't recall your attempts to ask for a blow-job after meeting them 5 mins ago and then you settle for an over the trouser handjob and cry when you get home and swear to never go drinking again.

Which you then do later on in the week as now the memory of that handy haunts you


And that is how a fetish is born, ladies and gentlemen

I'm married, kiddo. Bull applications go in my DMs. Minority applicants preferred.

Taking a joke comment seriously.

Ever considered drinking bleach?

ever considered transitioning and becoming the cute girl you could never get with?

I know I shouldn't attribute to malice that which could just as easily be explained by retardation. However, /r/menslib functions as a kind of proto-reeducation camp for men. They have struggle sessions about flirting and working out, only to be told by their superiors, women, that even frowning is unacceptable.

Imagine wanting a significant other 🤢

You don't want to walk away from the situation going, "oh my God, I misread that and just made her so uncomfortable!" But you can't just say "hey, is it cool if I kiss you now? No? Okay, cool, guess we'll go back to the way we were without any consequences to our relationship."

My solution is to just not even consider it at all. To be honest, I'd rather miss a million shots than make one girl uncomfortable either by being awkward about it or by mosreading signals.

I'm glad he is keeping himself out of the gene pool

Jesus. Just put a hand on her head and go for it. If she gives you a back off state abort and make a joke. Worked for me, because she went for it first later


asking for consent can be very sexy, if that helps.

Nothing hotter than the beta male you drunkenly dragged home from the pub asking you if it's ok that he touches your breasts.

How can they lose something they never had?

The only time a male feminist’s penis can be found is when he attempts to redeem his Good Boy points.

Woah that posts and those comments are one giant vaginal discharge.



I also feel self-conscious about it but in a phobia sort of way. I’ve completely deleted even the slightest hint of sexual appetite from how I present myself and how I interact with the end that I reject advances and intimacy wholesale. I haven’t had sex in probably close to two years.

It freaks me out, I’m scared of the consequences, and I’d rather just whack off. Not to mention, sexual pursuit seems to me more and more inappropriate as a dude, because I feel like an association between your masculinity and any hint of sex drive automatically puts you in the class of being a pig without self control. I’m 23M.

self aware

holy shit they sound like the tree-hugging version of the trash from r/mgtow

Based deleted comment:

I just want to point out that this post, this thread, and this sub all confirm all of the worst stereotypes of the unfuckable loser male feminist. You dumb kids have internalized all the proper woke messaging only to discover that real women don't actually want to date a self-loathing bag of shit.

Wake up you fucking dipshits, real women aren't fragile psychopaths like Twitter feminists, just sitting around waiting to have their lives ruined by the implication that a man thinks they're attractive.

This place is a complete joke and proves the otherside overwhelmingly correct.

Your average female menslibber:

This is really good advice! I feel very sorry for all the men who have to navigate the minefield that is female hormonal moodswings. Some days I'll be perfectly happy with the advances my husband send my way, other times (as soon as the next day) I'll all but murder him if he so much as touches my knee. I applaud you for finding a system which works!

Your average male menslibber:

LOL my girlfriend in high school wanted me to slap her butt casually too, and I refused to do it because it seemed to me to be disrespectful and also because I had never done anything like that before.

Menslib is ran by feminists who are very much anti-men.

Their resentment for women doesn't show in reddit posts, but rather in rapes

This seems like mostly a woman's issue

That projection, that cope.

We should start a petition to get men's libbers to donate their genitals to people who have lost theirs to cancer or botched circumcisions.

Their brains are all fucked up by the internet
