KIAtards roused that a female is in a movie, more at 11.

15  2019-08-19 by CommissarCletus


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The only time I've ever given a shit about the nuances of f*male anatomy is when I was doing a hard guro/vore RP where I needed to remember how to spell the parts of her reproductive system that my character was eating.


  1. KIAtards roused that a female is in... -,,

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Dora’s actress is 18. I’m not a pedo

Posting in KIA


Let's be real the Dora actress is fine as fuuuck

Why would anyone make a movie like this and think "this is smart"

Imagine a whole industry that does what we call "agendaposting". That's Hollywood. All agendaposts

Unfathomably based

Who is the Masterlawlz of Hollywood

Andy Milonakis or however his last name is spelled

She was allowed to be sexy to help send home the message not to trust sexy people. ( Dora's actress in this is 18. I'm not a pedo, but I recognize when they're doing anti-male gaze bullshit and communism has been sex negative since Marx. )

Unironically complaining about the lack of titties in a Dora movie is peak KIA


Posted before but we need some rightoid mockery to balance out the leftoid mockery so I’ll allow it