every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src
It does though, Snopes is pretending they're some crypto-facist fake news operation instead of boomer satire. Their "debunking" efforts have led facebook to try and ban them for being fake news at least once.
also, they potentially lose views from this, because social media websites are so retarded they actually use Snopes as one of their metrics of what's fake news or not and thus might hide or delete BB links
so yeah they're butthurt but when money is involved the butthurt is justified IMO
The problem is Christian boomers literally cant tell that Babylon Bee is fake. Even if you tell them they can't comorehend it. It's like the patrick meme with the ID. That's why snopes factvckecks them. So there is at least some reseource documenting it when something from a Babylon Bee story gets repurposed by rightoids into.a true story.
1 BussyShillBot 2019-08-20
I may be a 🎅 white 🏳nationalist 👏 but If 😏 I see 😘 a fine 👯 asian 🍜 ass 👌 my bloodline 💦💦 bout to 💆become 🍘 a 🍙 riceline 🍱
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1 SnapshillBot 2019-08-20
every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
1 Coonass_alt 2019-08-20
who knew boomer humor could be so based?
1 i_screw_drones2 2019-08-20
Seems like they are buttblasted by snopes at this point
1 Coonass_alt 2019-08-20
they are dabbing on snopes, snopes fact checking them doesn't actually negatively affect them because they are a satire site
1 i_screw_drones2 2019-08-20
Is that why the founder of Babylon bee sperged out and cried that they're being deplatformed?
1 Day_of_the_COPE 2019-08-20
I mean it is literally his fucking business lol. I will meme about a lot but if you cut off my way to pay bills I’m going to sperg as well.
1 i_screw_drones2 2019-08-20
That was in response to this
1 Day_of_the_COPE 2019-08-20
Yes it does because if Facebook bans “fake news” as they are being lobbied to do it will absolutely affect them.
1 Alicesnakebae 2019-08-20
So which is it
1 Day_of_the_COPE 2019-08-20
Which is what? His business? Facebook is a huge part of it I’m sure.
1 The_Reason_Pete_Wins 2019-08-20
This is good for the BB because even a lot of leftoids are on their side.
1 THOT-AUDITOR 2019-08-20
It does though, Snopes is pretending they're some crypto-facist fake news operation instead of boomer satire. Their "debunking" efforts have led facebook to try and ban them for being fake news at least once.
1 3men1pencil 2019-08-20
I can’t believe I’m about to defend Christian boomers but snopes started the feud and I believe in demolishing all those who attack you
1 agenteABIN 2019-08-20
also, they potentially lose views from this, because social media websites are so retarded they actually use Snopes as one of their metrics of what's fake news or not and thus might hide or delete BB links
so yeah they're butthurt but when money is involved the butthurt is justified IMO
1 i_screw_drones2 2019-08-20
Imagine the peak drama from them and the boomers here if they actually deplatformed haha
1 ManBearFridge 2019-08-20
They seem pretty riled up by Snopes already. It's hilarious.
1 CapeshitterCOPE 2019-08-20
Snopes started seething over satire so it’s justified
1 RadialCentrism 2019-08-20
The problem is Christian boomers literally cant tell that Babylon Bee is fake. Even if you tell them they can't comorehend it. It's like the patrick meme with the ID. That's why snopes factvckecks them. So there is at least some reseource documenting it when something from a Babylon Bee story gets repurposed by rightoids into.a true story.
1 ManBearFridge 2019-08-20
Rent free
1 CapeshitterCOPE 2019-08-20
I mean Snopes started calling them fake news they’re just fanning the flames
1 ManBearFridge 2019-08-20
How many dozen more articles about Snope is it going to take to exhaust the fire?
1 HodorTheDoorHolder_ 2019-08-20
The only good satire site is TheOnion and that guy who writes for Vanity Fair.
1 Mrtheliger 2019-08-20
This is worse than when Undertaker threw Mankind 641 feet from the top of Hell in a Cell onto a thumbtack covered piece of concrete
1 princess_y_fronts 2019-08-20
Right wing "news media" with more honesty than left wing "news media".