Retarded meme sub is retarded

15  2019-08-20 by Ill_Regal


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Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


  1. Retarded meme sub is retarded -,,

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Nothing like joking about the mass deaths of a minority. What the fuck is wrong with you?

They're not a fucking race you autist

Where did he mention race?

Minority and race are synonymous. You can't call lgbt a minority since that would be retarded. I could be a minority any time I wanted by pretending. I know people do that but it's fucking stupid.

Looks like gatekeeping on your side. It isn't confined to race. Minorities aren't just ethnic minorities. There could be religious minorities or others like LGBT.

Established retardation is not less retarded

whatever I feel is the only right thing

This but unironically


Have sex, incel

Okay I will

no you won’t

wyd ;)

Holy fuck I just realised I'm a minority because I have blue eyes. All this time I could have been pulling my privilege card smh

Lol, being this retarded

Brainlet tier take

This is what happens when you swallow too much burger nonsense

If someone wants to be overweight with blue hair and a beard and an Adam’s apple and be referred to as a woman, why do we care? WHY? Is the logic is that we refuse and make fun of them because they don’t fit the norm? Like, who cares?! Why do you care?

Snappy quote pls

This is an assault meme, kills people at a great rate!

Why do rightoids love transgender suicide?

Less trans means less porn material

Because people still fall for shitty bait like that

I actually despise it. But from the “rightoid” perspective

It’s the embodiment of wokeism as a mental illness.

I see it as smooth brains using mentally Ill people who feel all they have to identify with and find worth in is to join a oppressed class.

So wokies use people who could be receiving real medical treatment as a opportunity to signal how stunning and brave and morally superior they are that you encouraged this person to do this and now when they fucking off themselves it’s everyone who was means fault.

It’s like telling a skitzo listening to the voices is just who you are and brave and handing them a loaded gun.

Jealous that they get to leave

Everyone loves saying "I told you so!"

I'll be honest, there's a part of me that thinks it's fun to make fun of our troons with it for good sport, but there's another part of me that feels bad because it's not an accurate statistic and I'm a number fag.

not an accurate statistic

Yeah, it isn't because it's self reported, and you can't really self report when you succeed

Seems based