Can someone explain to me what is this sub about?

1  2019-08-20 by ElVerdaderoArgento

I don’t understand anything that is posted here. Also, why the mod is sticking his thoughts every now then about random stuff for no reason at all?


i believe autism is the answer to all your questions

Go back the way you came

Immigrants willing to learn the local customs, such as OP, can enrich the subreddit.

I'm just giving sound advice

I love it when my 'subreddit' gets enriched by swarthy immigrants


Bussy, mostly.

This sub is a cry for help. Right left. Cock or neovagina. This sub is about coming together and using a thin venire of humor in the form of self denigration, insults and slurs to try and mask how dead we all inside.

Also dude bussy lmao

It’s about drama hun 💄💅

Fucking normies.

Post a pic of butthole and we will tell you though.

We're mostly here to help high school kids who need to find the right monologue to read in drama class.

Bussy, mostly

Radical centrism

It’s about ethics in video game journalism.

This sub is a platform to warn the world about the impending return of the Dinosaurs from beyond the plasma fold, at which point they will consume humanity and restore the Earth to its proper state.

We are just a community friend. We have discussion, we make jokes, some of us even find love here! All in the name of friendship, and the voice love

men's assholes