Mossad agent tries to hijack plane

76  2019-08-20 by Rentokill_boy


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Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


  1. Mossad agent tries to hijack plane -,,

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Ugly crazy gussy

Why did you type crazy three times?

to summon her

Mod her so she can crash this sub

We don't need her help.

Jesus Christ you weren't wrong. 🤢🤢

anti-israeli redditors cope and seethe after netanyahu's wife allegedly tried to break into the cockpit of a plane:

What else would you expect from a fascist? On an unrelated note, I'm sorry but she looks like a dude.

For real though. Right wingers in general are always so ugly.

Fuck Israel.

Calm down Nazi

Israel's grown cocky, it's almost as if they've forgotten the hand that feeds them.

Pretty much Israel in a nutshell...

The only thing that upsets her more is a day going by without the IDF putting a truncheon upon or a bullet with a Palestinian child...

Don't forget your daily dose of propaganda

What do you expect? They've been trying to forcefully take over another country for decades now. Too drunk on power

reddit never fails to generate nuanced, intelligent political critique

also a kind gentlesir drops by to redpill the populace:

I’m really confused by rich / powerful men with ugly / average wives. I assume they cheat constantly? The goal (imo) is to be hottest woman your man spends time with. Hotter than the girls at work. Hotter than his friends’ wives. Mackenzie Besos lost her husband to a slightly hotter version of herself. That’s rookie shit.

Anti-Netanyahu and anti-Israel are not the same thing.

I know I know. As a country allied to the Great Satan israel can't be anything but bad news though


But really if he wasn't PM and just another MK his ass would be in jail right now.

Imagine if reddit declared it's own little autistic war on Israel! Haha jk bro but what if we just killed all the Israelites? Just playin' #bashthefash hahaha! Unless....

Haha jk bro but what if we just killed all the Israelites? Just playin' #bashthefash hahaha! Unless....

This deserves to be a Snappy Quote.

it kinda do be like that

I thought she'd be dancing on top of the van.

I didn't read the article I'm just hear to watch redditors froth

watch redditors froth

Strange cope but, ok.

I can't wait for Reddit and /pol/ to agree on the JQ

time is a flat circle etc etc

Somali mommy and the Woke Squad are really activating the soy beans lately.

Literal rat face, bibi should find a young lass like putin

She's my #1 candidate to be modded here. She's got zero self-control and is constantly causing insane drama like this.