troid strikes again

120  2019-08-20 by EB1072


Wasnt asking you, cretin.

Let me speak in your language of Cretin Retardian. Im a bit rusty. I haven't fully grasped your language.


Darrrr dyurrr wewoo wewoo wavaba nyarn wohoo wohoo waaaaaaa durrr durhhhhhh duhhhh

For people who arent Cretin Retardians, that translates to:

Go fuck your Dad's dick hole like the good little sperm you are


  1. troid strikes again -,

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cause guess what, I actually DIDN'T do anything

This is how legal system works,when you're on the mental illness train.

I almost feel bad for this person. Imagine being a fat retard with an enabling irradiated ghoulwhore of a mother. Almost.

Aren’t there rumors that the mom has dementia and is being taken advantage of?

Yeah but considering her antics on camera and during the BCHRT she seems an active participant. I imagine he has shielded her and has her dependent on him to a degree to convince her it's all faked. WGkitty(building insider) reported she was screeching come out Kitty, meow meow meow on the balcony for a few hours

Mental illness doesn't magically turn you into a cunt, it magnifies your cuntishness.

Chris Chan is a fat trans retard with an enabling mother and even he has been able to avoid preying on kids

did you miss the part where chris went to a childs dance event with a hussy shirt that said WANT WOMAN.

I think Chris is just so socially inept he assumed that would be a place fellow adults would attend. I doubt he actually wanted to attract any kids.

Johnny-boy asked girls for tampons and hit on a thirteen-year-old

Chris genuinely just seems like a dude forever stuck in his childhood but I think he has enough sense to not sexually assault women. He may be a bit creepy and out there but I know most people could probably handle him.

Yaniv however is the real life Eric cartman who is actually competent considering hes been perving on girls when MSN messenger was a thing and managed to get a Twitter protection squad for awhile. Now even Twitter had given up banning anyone misgendering him

The top response to his tweet is currently:

We are with you 💯percent here in America Jessica! You are paving the way for #transrights and #Equality! Keep it up and don't listen to the haters. They are nothing more than Nazi's. 🏳️‍🌈😍

this posted by a guy whose bio reads:

Progressive father of 3 gender neutral children. Proud Vegan. Smash the #Patriarchy, #Impeach45 #Resistance #ImpeachTheMF Ally of Trans, LGBTQ and POC. He/Him

I'm hoping poe's law has got me again but you can never tell

Gimme 5 mins and I can tell you whether he's a Yaniv Sock Puppet. He got caught using some random girls picture, changed the whole profile from trans support to being a MAGA troll


Enablers should not be spared tbh

I hate enablers more tbh

they are usually utter self-serving parasite

I'm just really thankful we've got her.

Nice lighthearted comedy-horror cow to cheer us all up when we need it.

Imagine making fucking Chris Chan look tolerable by comparison


Why hasn't she been modded yet?



what the fuck is that thing and why are the retards on this sub so obsessed with it

This is the transgender bogey(wo)man that haunts rightoids and radfems alike: a creepy perv who uses their trans status as a screen for their creepery and perversion. This sub is obsessed because lolcows of such high quality are rare and wondrous things.

Seriously, this is one of the best lolcows ever and they are literally flinging themselves into the sun. Every day is like a new chapter of retardation and self incrimination with this one. I think even Chris Chan had more downtime between antics than Yaniv

More like a laughingstock and scapegoat for the left’s incompetence to control their own

It even invaded its own 🥝farm thread

The Chris Chan of the modern era

DrZerglindMD did an effort post a while back.

But essentially Yaniv is every rightoid fear about trannies rolled up into one, and is dumb enough and blatant enough that it can't be denied or dismissed as paranoid fear. Also one of the greatest cows of our era.


Honestly this is best Drama. Jesica/Johnathan Yeniv used SJW logic to protect itself from legal persecution in left-tard-land and pedoville (Canada and Hollywood) and now that she has become the villain 🦹‍♀️ and the second coming of Milo Yino, a rightoid tranny is coming out (no pun) as the good guy and twitter blue check marks don’t know how to react.

Also, fun fact, a big portion of my University’s lgbt group tried to get Blair White banned from speaking at my University Republican group.

Unironically, I am part of both group messages because I’m both gay and rightoidish, and the local drama was amazing when another gay rightoid told the lgbt group that “the Camus Republicans are being more open-minded than y’all, and it looks bad hun.”

A mayo foid-origin non-binary whose twitter reads “fuck white cis-hets” even went to the University administration and mental health offices claiming that she was “going through trauma” because Blair White would be on campus.”