Filthy gaijin asks r/anime how he can move to glorious Japan to become an anime writer and get his concept idea picked up by Netflix, as long as he doesn't actually have to learn Japanese or draw anything. Other weebs are unamused.

140  2019-08-20 by FurryPornApostate


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  1. Filthy gaijin asks r/anime how he c... -,

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Iunno what a gaijin is, but this is definitely the best post of the day, because I don't think he's a troll.

Is he 14? That doesn't matter.

I would put money on this kid being 14

Looks like the next incarnation of darqwolff has revealed his power level, and in an even more retarded fashion than the Letter to Gabe Newell. Mark this day in your calendars, fellow dramautists!

He apparently used to post on furry_irl, so definitely 14.


Outsider of Japan.

Someone hasn't seen Tokyo drift 🙄

Per his post history he's a furrybronyotaku. If he's trolling then he's really been playing the long game.

The Japanese zoo needs a new Gaijin since their last one escaped. The stranger the better.


Producing anime is not as glorious as these nerds think it is. I read somewhere that their average salary is $2500 per month, which is below minimum wage.

Combining that with the overwork culture and stressful life, producing anime is definitely not as beautiful as they imagine. Foreigners living in Japan is also not easy either. Japan society is very homogenous.

"Trying to coordinate an anime studio from outside the country?" Other people have done this, specifically RWBY.

When RWBY is your baseline something has gone terribly wrong.

RWBY was ok for an independent production

Fair enough.

I only ever saw the first season but I couldn't stomach the god awful animation

38% upvoted on /r/unpopularopinion , mod this man immediately.


Why wouldn’t you want to learn Japanese though?

that would actually require effort

And then you'd have the shame of knowing Japanese.

Better than the shame of posting on Reddit.


why would you? fucking cucks need 3 alphabets for basic communication and the third is byzantine beyond all hell.

Guess that the benefit of an above average IQ.

imagine thinking pattern recognition is "byzantine beyond all hell"

if an 11 year old can do it you can too


is a furry too

I live in the Western world
