Game devs slipped moisture bottles labeled "OGAY" and a secret room with the word "fagbag" into their well received shooter. Resetera is not pleased.

110  2019-08-20 by wow___justwow


Yawn, another brigade from Drama? They must be tired of disrespecting the trans community or creeping on underage children if they're willing to shit on a wholesome subreddit that actually does something to help others.


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Imagine going through life like a resetera zealot. Perception trained and alert to find a mention of a word that offends you. Take a screenshot and run to your faggot boys to show off your loot so you can jerk each other off over how offended you are that some stranger at some point wrote fag

I just wanna know how writing OGAY on a bottle constitutes hate speech. A lot of brand names are madeup. There's nothing inherently hateful about OGAY. It's not like it's even being used as a pjorative, it's fucking lotion. I thought homosexuals loved lotion. what the fuck.

Because the devs have been revealed to be filthy nazis and obviously the only reason why they'd ever have "gay" in the game is to laugh at the expense of LGBTQPRDHT+- people.

But tbh I doubt there's more to it than "haha gay word", much like fagbag, so maybe it's not entirely without merit idk.

Bengay btfo

And sharing a picture of pork faggots which you can find in any supermarket, which can be pretty funny for people who have never seen it before.

Everything posted there is so mild.

The fact they're censoring discussion is a bad sign

He says.... on resetera of all fucking places lmao

It would be an understatement to say the irony is lost on them.

dude i haven't seen that "2 pork faggots" pic since like 2009. good stuff

Someone link the SRD thread please

Day of the lotion when?

Some game devs can be truly based

I want /r/drama to be renamed fagbag

Imagine being a resetera user and playing a game solely for the purpose of trying to find secret areas to see if they have some naughty thinking in them

I don't wanna say horseshoe theory but this is just like Evangelicals looking for signs of the devil in everything

I mean, this is the tamest "homophobia" I've ever seen, how anybody could actually get upset over this vanilla ass shit is beyond me. I've heard more offensive 5 year olds.

They should play Duke Nukem, I hear it's problematique

they had to put the wrongthink in a secret room so the wokies wouldn't find it

but much like anne frank, it was only a matter of time before it was discovered

Evangelical Leftist Church

Gunna pirate this.

It's upsetting a lot of the right people so I want to show my support.

I love how they sperged out because of the bottles and hidden text but once it got patched out they were making fun of the rightoids for being so upset about something so minuscule. No irony there...

Foul language!

Imagine being a pink knight,pathetic

when you offend the LGBTQGPYKWERUIOPASDFGNVJZM+ community

y i k


