Chinese shills glorify their regime and mock stupid brainwashed westerners

47  2019-08-20 by prizmaticanimals


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I am all alone (poor me) in the White House waiting for the Democrats to come back and make a deal on desperately needed Border Security. At some point the Democrats not wanting to make a deal will cost our Country more money than the Border Wall we are all talking about. Crazy!


  1. Chinese shills glorify their regime... -,,

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Chinese shills are so cringe. I got in an argument with one on worldnews once and he kept trying to convince me the Chinese navy was superior to the US navy.

I kept asking him how and he just kept going on about "gun boats off the coast of caliornia" and how China had perfected the aircraft carrier.

Aren't they the ones with the funky ramps at the end of their carriers? That's perfect?

The joke is they just rebuilt some shit tier soviet carriers.

I can't hate china shill they're fighting for their life and organs

Western tankie China shills are easily the most pathetic for this reason.

Western media is owned by the same billionaires who own the government and write the laws; it's just the capitalist version of state media except with no accountability whatsoever to the general public.

Based chinks

Very based, although the power of capital is growing rapidly in China. Capital always wins.

They're actually right here though

The discovery of r/sino has been great for dramacoin

If you ever think the "independent" western media is anything but an arm of imperialist west for the sole purpose of spreading their agenda, now is a good time to wake up. You'd be blind to not see what is in plain sight.

What's his point?

Only propaganda we agree with is okay

This but unironically. Fuck China.

Chinacels 🤢

The entire sinoshill playbook is just whataboutism.

Oh you cant criticize Xi without being dragged away? Well western media is a puppet of oligarchs.

Oh organ harvesting whilst awake is bad? Well westerners have bad healthcare.

Gotta respect their fortitude though, if they lose 5 online arguments their family gets sent to the camps.