Go to college so you can learn how to think that you should go to college

16  2019-08-20 by HogPostBot


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Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


  1. Go to college so you can learn how ... - archive.org, archive.today

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Was critically thinking so hard he didn't even bother to read the article.

That is the mother of all circlejerks right there. Holy fucking shit.

Wait, so they talk about them using critical thinking while being in an echo chamber...

A guy I currently go to school with wrote an essay about why Third Wave Feminists are a bunch of liars.

Pretty based tbh

muh beliefs weren’t spoon fed by professors

we nevar discussed politics

Jesus Christ that means you just conformed to what you thought college educated people should believe.

was conservative till college 🤤

I’ll never understand this. Maybe it’s because I went a bit later, but I was way harder left until I went to college. Apparently I’m the only burger on Reddit that went this way. How is college even that transformative? Did none of these people ever read books or engage adults in political discourse? There are older blowhards that will talk politics and shit in every coffee shop in cities with more than like 50,000 people.

Did none of these people ever read books or engage adults in political discourse?

This 100%. Most people before college take their political views from what their parents believe/vote like
