It’s finally OVER for capeshit-cels.

28  2019-08-20 by Ghdust2


Since when is promotion of gangbang considered as "sexual threat"?


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Spiderman more like deadassman

Man they're going to have to rewrite a shitload of movies if this doesn't go through. IIRC he was supposed to appear in like 4 of the future 13 movies lmao.

I hope they cancel them tbh

Capeshit is a thing that I can safely say had it coming. Endgame should have been the last movie. Like it was okay before the shitty fanbase started existing. Now it's unbearable.

This but unironically extend it to any fandom reddit has ever had tbh

Spiderman died on the way back to his home planet

Haha XD have an updoot sir

This is pretty big news.