A homeless youtuber makes a video showing the degeneracy of a streamer. The subreddit that promotes the streamer are mentioned in the video, and they start to backpedal while pissing and shitting their pants.

26  2019-08-21 by TheColdTurtle


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womp womp


  1. A homeless youtuber makes a video s... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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The post I linked is mainly just COPE from the mods, but the entire subreddit is a stadium full of smug COPE.

Ice Poseidon

Still not sure who that is but I'm gonna nope outta there because vidya drama

He's a irl streamer that got big by being a massive retard ended up attracting other retard to the flock

It isnt gaming anymore, it is real life drama now.

So people are drama-streaming now? sounds kinda based

Can someone explain this shit to me? Maybe Im autistic but I cant tell wtf is going on in this sub. What did Penguinz0 do?

What did Penguinz0 do?

He made a video on some retarded steamer, here. I don't know how he's affiliated with Ice Poseidon but in the video he showed some comments from that subreddit, so that's probably why they're extra mad.