Bannedcell copes over being invisible as he gags on his own medicine

10  2019-08-21 by collectijism


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Jews did this


  1. Bannedcell copes over being invisib... -,,

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>don't forget to stop by walgreens to get some prep H for your hurt butt

pro tip

If your hemmies are bad buy prep h (or their knockoff) suppositories and throw them bad boys in the freezer before putting them in

Feels so nice

What you did to day_of_the_cope was unforgivable

Lol I just made a thread making fun of him and snally said that COPE posts a lot of info and wouldn’t be surprised if he gets doxxed one day and he freaked out cus he didn’t wanna lose his job so he deleted everything

We lost an awesome dramanaut. When you doomer hater crypto communists complain about why the current year sucks so bad i hope u look in the mirror

I wish it were you instead of him

So do I. Hes like 10 times funnier and comments on every post. Just fun to watch all you doomers destroy the world. If you only knew what it was like to experience life before everyone snitched on each other every 5 minutes. A world that existed before all this corporate overlay of moderation and blandness. When people loved and lived together. Heres what happens when they turn the lights on at 6am.


No one snitched

You doxxed him to corporations so he deleted his account. This is what im talking about. No one can share any non sanctioned corporate sanctioned thought or say anything of value about themselves personally without fear of monetary and social ostrization. You commies have combined with corporations to ensure group think is enforced and that individuals stay anonomous and never really connect with each other on any real or personal level. Your literally enforcing a fascist system. The true definition of it when corporations combine with government to silence opposition. All the while calling anyone who doesnt adhere to your fascist tactics as well fascist. I mean you will die childless unemployed alone unable to feed your cats in a shitty apartment blaiming ghosts for your own hellworld you helped create. Your the definition of a useful idiot

God you’re the worst troll account

Cause i put the mirror in your face and you dont like what you see? Well at least you still have your cats and your drinking problem to fall back on.

Holy shit, dude nuked it. I had so much fun for giving him shit for never doing leg day. Now he won't ever get the chance to hear me admit I never do leg day, either 😥😥😥

Dumb ass useful idiot communist twinks and their deal with the corporate oligarchy surveillance state. Honestly can we have one place that isnt full of snitches? Like just make one single black friend one time in your life and youll stop being a communist snitch.

I'm confused as fuck, did someone actually start some doxx shit or was it just snally saying that he had a bunch of personal info and someone else may doxx him at some point?

The second one