Literal orbiter from r/Tinder, flirts with engaged Stacy who he would "marry in a minute."

94  2019-08-21 by 2Manadeal2btw


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  1. Literal orbiter from r/Tinder, flir... -,,

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What a stupid kind of humor.

This is all the same guy who thinks this is how a hilarious and funny love triangle works. You know, adult stuff...

I think it's funny, she thinks it's funny, he thinks it's funny.

Why the fuck do you care about SOMEONE ELSES CONVERSATION if you have absolutely nothing to do with it?

Do you interrupt random people in public who are laughing to make dipshit comments?

Jesus christ.

I think it's funny, she thinks it's funny, he thinks it's funny.

You are the same person, though.

Oooooou. The plot thickens.

We can add crazy conspiracy theorist to the title of incel and sexist to the people on here.

Top conspiracy of 2019: "People lie on the internet for no good reason."

I'm having a hard time figuring out if you're a troll or honestly a psychopath.

For sure I am not a troll, because that kinda requires lying on the internet, which nobody would do.

Why the fuck do you care about SOMEONE ELSES CONVERSATION if you have absolutely nothing to do with it?

Here is my hot take: If you do not want other people to listen, just get a room and talk about how much you want to fuck him and his wife. I bet it would be hilarious.

Do you interrupt random people in public who are laughing to make dipshit comments?

If the random person in public would announce "Guys, guys, I am texting a married woman! I am telling her that I would fuck her!"... "Guys, guys, now she said that I can not blame it on her that I always date shitty women", "Guys, I just texted her that her man is a girl!", "hehe, now the husband texts me back. He says that he would fuck me, lol!!! Having fun right here. I could have this conversation in private with no effort, but it is just so hilarious!"

Guys, guys, I am texting a married woman! I am telling her that I would fuck her

She's not married and I never said I'd fuck her.

Do you psychotic people just make up facts to try and justify your own deranged thoughts?

Sorry, I did not realize that this is a Christian bird watching forum. For a second I actually thought you would have sex with a woman you marry.

Lmao I've been reading through this whole thread and the best part is how he can't even bring himself to say he doesn't like her.

She's not married

There's still time!!!

and I never said I'd fuck her.

But you would if you could.

He thinkz if you officially say you don't like her it means the chance something will happen officially drops to 0 and that would be too sad :(

You people are seriously all unstable incels and it's hilarious.

There's still time!!!

I love how he points out that she is not married yet, only engaged.

I believe she told him about the engagement like this:

"I will marry my bf next year." - "haha, I would marry you in a second, jk, lol. You are attractive btw xdddd"

I’d just like the records to show I’m not engaged yet either lmao not quite sure where we got this idea :P I’m just on a long-term relationship. It’ll go there eventually, but just helping y’all with confirming some facts. Proceed with the drama so I can enjoy a laugh today too :)

Proceed with the drama so I can enjoy a laugh today too :)

We are enjoying you, too. :) I am having so much fun with you.

In a way, we are already closer to actually having sex with you after one day than your best gay friend after 10 years.

Truly this is a Chad subreddit.

Truly this is a Chad subreddit.

Not quite the direction I was thinking, but the idea was there!

So what you’re telling me is that you’re Ryan Gosling?

Damn, just post a picture of a attractive woman and claim it is you. Don't ruin the mood. We are not gonna meet in real life, anyway.

edit: Or are we? just kidding, lol

It took a while, but I managed to masturbate to this.

Tell your friend!



How the fuck does he not see how pathetic he is. She, too, btw, but he is two or three notches worse.

It is the sad state of the orbiter. Too retarded for introspection. Too smart to know that this is his only chance of getting a foid.

"I dont wanna mess up a good relationship!" the beta chuckles nervously

I read that as "the beta cuckolds nervously" which sounds even more correct.

He told her that he wants to marry her already. So nothing to mess up anymore.

She is somehow okay with it, too, which is kinda fucked up that she thinks it is still fine to be friends with him while she is married. Imagine a married man would hang out with female friend who is open about wanting to suck his dick, lmao.

Are you fucking retarded?

Yes. Why do you think I post on r/Drama?

Fair point, but also stop being so fucking stupid.

Are you guys retarded enough to actually think we were being serious? It was clearly a joke you fucking psychos.

This is next level pathetic.

How do you not see how pathetic all you lonely autistic fucks are, blasting two people joking with eachother?

Seriously how sad does your life have to be, I'm so sorry.


Fuck, really? Damn, that shit suck!

Uhh. Yeah. We've been friends over 10 years and always joke around with each other. Absolutely no part of that conversation was actually serious.

What? And for a second, I actually believed that you think she is attractive! You got me good, bro!

I would fuck her, too, btw 😉 😉 😉 (Her husband is a girl, anyway xd)

I won't deny the fact that she's attractive, but I still never said I'd fuck her. You making things up?

I would fuck her if I were you. Maybe I should be her best gay friend.



What a fag. He should take the cyanidepill

Man I can just see the Am I the asshole thread from the dude.

So my gf keeps calling me controlling when I ask her to stop chilling with this dude that constantly spills his feelings to her online. Am I the asshole?

YTA. You're exhibiting seriously narcissistic and controlling behaviour.


Your girlfriend should be free to communicate with any men and your attempts to restrict or even feel this way is proof that you're objectifying her. Women should feel like queens and these attempts to restrict her is is just proof you have fallen into the incel trap of male fragility that plagues modern men.


In conclusion, you're not entitled to have a girlfriend and quite frankly YTA sweaty. She can do better.

ESH. You should be spilling your feelings into his bussy. She shouldn't refuse to watch if she can't join in.

I don't see too much wrong here, seems like a friendly banter that both of them are into, not something serious. Maybe a little tarded, but that can easily be explained:

I'm Canadian

Yeah clearly they're joking, but the autism field of some posters here could be harnessed to power a small to medium sized metropolitan area.

OP do you have any friends? Follow up do you find it almost impossible to understand the general flow of context in social settings?

Lol thanks so much for understanding that people are allowed to joke around.

This place is a menagerie of dolts, spergs, shut-ins, and shitposters but it's one of the better places in Reddit... Which is proof positive for Reddit to succumb to an orbital nuclear strike.

Well. Considering on another part of this comment thread I was told I’m not allowed to have male friends because I’m in a relationship, I don’t even slightly doubt what you’re saying is accurate lmao

Straight up they're utterly seething you have any interpersonal contact at all. You should see my downvotes whenever I bring up casual sex isn't hard to get.


male friends who joke about how they wanna fuck you and marry you? lmao any bf who doesn't shut that shit down is a cuckold.

Dude straight up have you had a bad string of bumble dates? You're usually pretty chill...

do i know you?

Crossed paths. With your handle not hard to not spot mate

Oh we know you're just joking around. The guy on the other hand...

You realize it's possible to joke about wanting to marry people without having feelings for them right?

I take it you don't have many female friends so this is new to you.

I like how you never straight up say "I am not attracted to her" or "I have, even under different circumstances, have no feelings for her".

Instead you say stuff like "It is just a fact that she is attractive". Yeah, that is called being attracted to her. If you think it is a fact that she is attractive, you are attracted to her.

You also say that it would be possible to joke about marrying people without having feelings, but you don't just say "lol, I would not even date her if we were the last people on earth". Because maybe maybe, it does not work with her boyfriend and maybe maybe then there is your chance. Gonna keep the door open. lmao

I'm pretty sure it's exactly because I have female friends that I can tell the difference.

Let me ask 2 questions. Do you have any unattractive female friends? If so, do you make these jokes with them?

Do you have any unattractive female friends?


If so, do you make these jokes with them?


because I have female friends that I can tell the difference

Oh so everyone has the exact same sense of humour and you can read minds? You're a fucking idiot.

I mean obviously you can't fess up on reddit when the girl knows your username and is even in this thread. But I think you know you know.

Do you think she's starting to wonder though? Like, what are you gonna do if she just straight up asks you? Surely all these morons couldn't be making any sense to her. Right? Or maybe she was already thinking about it.

These are just the adult version of "I like you, haha jk." And I use loosest meaning of adult here.

ooph right in the bussy

I don't think anyone in here has ever had a friend, it's terrifying.

Most I'd say do. But the ones that don't ho boy stick out like nothing else

I don't think anyone in here has ever had a friend, it's terrifying.

I have to admit that I really can't find friends on reddit. All my friends only exist in real life. I think I never even talked with friends in a public forum like ever.


i you and your "friends" engage in this kind of autistic banter, you don't have room to talk lol. also dude his constant "jokes" about how he'd marry her, getting excited when other reddit autists say they should fuck, obviously he is orbiting her.

Duh we do but we don't believe it

The Day of the Rake is coming


I didn’t know joking around and making fun of my friend was enough to get cross posted to a drama sub lmfao thank you for realizing that it’s just dumb banter.

Let me tell you this-- /r/Drama is one of the most malevolent, cruel, coldhearted online communities you'll ever find, and even as a supporter of free speech it appalls me that Reddit would allow such a vile, festering hub of bigotry and sadism to exist. You think [slur]town was bad? That subreddit, if you pick up on the dog-whistles (and many don't even bother with that-- say want you want about Stormfront, at least it bans "n[slur]"), will reveal itself to you as Reddit's number one hub for the web's most hardened Nazis, Klansmen, Fascists, and Gamergaters. You'll notice on the sidebar that it encourages members to be as dramatic as possible. That's intentional. They encourage arguments in the comments section. That's intentional. You know the Three Minute Hate (it's from this underrated book 1985, give it a read, it's scary how much it parallels our society)? It's like that, they want to stoke the flames of reactionary rage so they continue to dogpile every progressive and minority who enters the subreddit, normalizing these evil feelings. They brigade from subreddit to subreddit, having an entire cabal of mods spanning hundreds of communities, gaslighting lived experiences of the oppressed and unashamedly bolstering Reddit's homegrown white supremacy movement. They've kink-shamed hundreds of people too, some even... to death. I fear that /r/drama may be producing an entire army of Dylann Roofs and Elliot Rogers, and I highly suggest that nobody dares visit that horrible subreddit, lest you potentially fall victim to its corruptive aura.

If only you could put that energy into your relationships

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Holy shit, you people must be seriously mentally unstable to post me and my friend joking in here.

Pathetic but also hilarious.

mentally unstable

without a doubt




Please don't dignify them with such a compliment

Don't worry, I don't think she was being serious.

>OP you need some mental health help and a hug.


Cmon man, I was just embellishing in the details.

what the fuck

The cows are in the pasture, I repeat, the cows are in the pasture


And I lured them in!

a sub for a booty call app tries to cope with rejection.

also, why the fuck is the to be married chick using the app 🤔

Well, I’m not using the app. I just follow the sub because the posts are funny. I just like making fun of my friend and was presented with the opportunity to do so when I stumbled upon his epic fail lol

Don't give us the time of day everyone here is mentally unstable and jealous.

Ah, at least you admit it. Everyone here takes life too seriously! Haha

Many incels in disguise. May you have a long and happy relationship 😁

That’s for the support, kind redditor!

Why do I give this fucking website the time of day.

Truly this is a Chad subreddit

Not quite the direction I was thinking, but the idea was there!

Is it really just banter though?

Offended≠laughing at autists