local retards eat the cuckoldry copypasta

153  2019-08-21 by CMDR-FusionCor3


Most of the default subs are run by bots and shills.

Social media is the Matrix. Look into the ties between big tech and DARPA. The content is curated and contextualized to create a certain response in the public mind. Look up the original definition of Cybernetics.

You are human livestock and the internet is your digital enclosure. And like all good farmers, they have to make sure the herd gets their vaccines or it could mean disaster for the farm!

It’s not individuals who just love vaccines making these gay pro vax memes. Someone is being paid to do it by some shitty organization likely with ties to the Rockefellers and the Vanderbilts or whatever.


  1. local retards eat the cuckoldry cop... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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Yeah, can one of you guys go provoke them with more funny shit?


I posted the pasta, but am not good at stringing them along.

but am not good at stringing them along.

Yeah same. I'm either way too reasonable and they just end up having a discussion instead of sperging out, or I'm way too obvious and they'll see through the shit right away.

I should just stop trying 😞

FeelsBadMan, I'm exactly the same.

A few months back some furries followed totes here. I fixed 'em a nice cuppa, and just asked own ended questions or clarifications/more detail. You get more lolcows with honey than vinegar.

Oh and those furries then brought other furries and they went ape shit on one another right here in River City.

idk, one of them called me a creep for posting to golden retriever pasta

step 1, apply SEETHE and cope

Dude seethe and cope lmao

Leave it to the professionals, kid 😎

You did your part with the pasta, I tried to keep them engaged, but whiffed.

I'm amazed that people still fall for this one

Reminder that with pinging we had retards like this multiple times a day, now it's once a week at best. 😢

This is oppression 😡

seize the means of ping production

Can't even ping users who post in the sub itself 😔

why dont reddit admins let us make new friends 😔

The darkness of the post pinging era

The glory days of r/drama have come and gone. Is the answer deuxrama or the discount German sub zweirama? Only Allah himself can answer that.

Don't worry we're all retarded anyway.

There's lolcows in at least 2 threads right now, the one with the sex dungeon and the tinder one.

looks like they couldn't think about it logically

Fuck I miss pinging so much now. We had a literal pasta eating retard ready with multiple paragraphs of seriouspost responses.

Ironic copypastas have warped the minds of a generation of children raised by ipads

Anyone who's been on the internet longer than 15 minutes knows all about the "ironic" sexist/nationalist/anti-semitic troll. AKA the guy who's full of the same bigotry but is far too much of a pussy to commit to it so they scurry under the blanket of "hey I'm just trolling, look how angry you are...but seriously, the jews are the root of all my personal problems."

Okay, OP got me, I didn't know about this particular copypasta. I can't quite feel ashamed for not lurking in the places where it's used. And let's get real here: the type of person who shares it to troll still likely believes 80-90% of it. There's a Vonnegut quote about it...that would just be entirely lost on you.

Not only do you not recognise satire if it doesn't beat you in the face with a /s, you don’t spend the three seconds to see if the person linking to the copypasta is the one posting it

He has become the very thing he swore to destroy!

Yikes dude


You sound like you believe the pasta. And your projecting that onto the one that trolled you.

I'm sorry but...what??? This is the ultimate cope

Vonnegut quote

Oh noooo.

Wait. Is this pasta, too?

Yeah. And dramatards stuff it down just as easily as those lolcows they love taking the piss out of.

Is this pasta too?

Very interesting looking at post history of these people. Dozens and dozens of pictures of nachos mixed in with huge essays about politics nobody will ever read

I'm all for a clever trolling but jesus christ dude. 2/10, try a little harder next time. This is just impotent.

I like trolling when it's on few enough layers of irony for me to get it. When it goes over my head and makes me seriouspost, it makes me mad >:(

Well i mean thats usually what happens when your a racist


a faggot*

unironic top comments in /r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM trolling in KiA posts OC of marijuana-munchie nachos

I thought it was a masterful counter-troll, but now it appears to be a leftoid sincerely trying to shame us with snooty Vonnegut allusions. Disappointing.

If we can't ping, is it possible to at least link the lolcows to other ArrDrama comments via DM in order to induce milk production?

The people that whine about "le centrism" are usually the most insufferable types of dipshits on Reddit.

he wasn't downloaded to oblivion

Based drama actually not being shit for once

It helps to be in a thread that doesn’t attract the attentionspancels

but yeah, drama milking a cow for once. The newfriends must be taking a day off

I could read quite well at the age of three and knew how to consult both dictionaries and thesauruses by the time I went to school. Having discovered that the funny squiggles on the pages of so many books and magazines and other material actually had meaning, I had dived into every book we had at home. We had many, as my mother was an avid reader and we also had a set of Arthur Mee’s Children’s Encyclopedia and Sunday copies of Pear’s Cyclopedia, all of which I had digested by the time I entered Grade 1. I had also mastered arithmetic at that early age, but mathematics threw me right off my stride. I’ve never been any good with theory: I needed practical applications in my life, not a bunch of airy-fairy nonsense.