And they are going to disproportionately target Black people with these “homophobia” claims, if Black people refuse to engage in sex with trans ppl.

80  2019-08-21 by Kaiser-romulus


I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


  1. And they are going to disproportion... -,

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Shut up fat mayo ass dork lmao

Based nig in the comments. I think he is referring to oversocialized but I’m not sure.

Don't black dudes actually really like trap cock?

I’ll admit I do really well with black guys

Idk. What I do know is that Tariq got his booty blasted at an after hours club in Cedar Rapids back in ‘02 by a 6’5” trans prostitute. He’s been trying to born again his Bussy ever since.

Also, Glumpf killed a hooker in Des Moines back in ‘98

one for me and one for the hooker

Bob Saget raped and killed a girl in 1990.

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world that Bob Saget raped and killed "a" girl in 1990

True. Saget was probably an active serial killer for the entire run of Full House.


I mean yes, but not publicly

Black dudes are the reason people talk about trans women of color being murdered more often.


I knew it was Tariq when I read the title.

I fucking love Tariq, he's like a classic Black Supremacist from some offensive 70's exploitation movie

Holy shit, I didn't realize it wasn't.

Lmao there is a legit black supremacist in there

That’s Tariq for you lol

As I was explaining to Looney Troon, I can't wait to see what happens when progressives have to do the balancing act of appealing to black voters as well as trans activists. It was bad enough when there were people trying to downplay the homophobia in the black community when anyone thought BussyJudge had a shot at winning the candidacy, but eventually enough trans women are going to be killed by black men that someone is actually going to tell the truth about the fact that most black Americans absolutely loath and are disgusted by trans women.

It's gonna be dramatic as fuck and I honestly cannot fucking wait.

As it is, they are currently ignoring it. All these white trannies on twitter keep yelling about the trans murder rate fail to acknowledge that (a) it's mostly black trannies being killed (b) by black men.

I mean I hear all about how it's "violence against trans women, especially trans women of color". The only thing is while I have no clue about the rates of assault or domestic violence against white trans women what j do know is that virtually all murder is black and Hispanic trans women by black and Hispanic men.

Our new Troon mod was trying to explain why she couldn't move to fucking Kansas City because she's trans and was afraid of being murdered and I had to break not down Barney style that the only person she had to worry about killing her was her "totally reformed" neo-Nazi bf.

"Violence against trans women, especially trans women of color" implies that there's a heightened level of violence against white trans women, and it's even worse for trans women of color. Except it's only trans women of color who are getting killed at elevated rates.

Nah, what they're implying is that trans women of color are the ones being hurt at an extremely higher level than white trans women are.

If that was the case, they'd harp on "violence against trans women of color" and not mention the trans women that don't have heightened levels of violence.

"violence against trans women of color"

Thats the point, lol, they're paying specific attention to it.

No, that's clearly not what's happening. Look at how the tranny janny is reacting to trans violence even though she's white and basically unaffected.

What they say:

violence against trans women, especially trans women of color

If they truly meant what you claim, it would be just:

violence against ~trans women, especially~ trans women of color

(c) while selling sex

And they ignore that it's less than 30 murders a year which means two mutually exclusive things:

  1. There aren't that many transpeople for 30 murders to be significantly more common than murders in the general population (and therefore all this drama is about catering to nearly nobody)

  2. There are loads of transpeople and 30 murders a year is barely anything compared to the general population (and therefore "trans murder rates" aren't really worth discussing).

Truly, I think GLAAD and these Twitter wokies have hitched their cart to the wrong horse with this trans murder shit. It's a huge tactical error to argue that trans people are so numerous that they should be catered to on a national scale, but also 30 murders it this massive amount that, per capita, far eclipses the 17,000 murders nationwide. Once you point out to normal people that they're more likely to be murdered in their home than if they were a trans person, it takes a lot of wind out of that argument's sails. Likewise, if there are actually only like 600 trans people nationwide, why is there so much attention given to them? I think the average person is a lot less likely to give a shit once the narrative moves a step past "this is a nebulous problem, and it's a big deal, but we won't give specifics because that destroys our argument."

someone is actually going to tell the truth about the fact that most Americans absolutely loath and are disgusted by trans women*

Lmao, go look at the stats on who's doing all the killing 😂😂😂


I'm not surprised, nor am I going to deny the stats, but it was a joke lol

I figured but I ignore context if it means increasing drama

Trained empowered monkeys turn on slave plantation owners.

News at 11.

As an evil straight mayo moid, feels good watching white bussy connoiseurs and hetero african-american gentlemen oppress each other.

Blacks don’t likes gays. Don’t know why this surprises people

Blacks are disproportionately over represented as perpetrators of hate crimes according to the FBI hate crime stats so it's no surprise.

Hollup. Let’s not act like those white LGBT organizations have not tried to straight shame the Black community. They are constantly targeting Black society with lies and propaganda

This infighting of the subhumans fills my white heart with joy.

BULLSH*T!! Statistics show 100% of Gay Men are UNWILLING to date WOMEN.. so is that due to hate as well?!!.. things that make you go hmmmm🤔🤨

Using hollup unuronically

Using hollup at all


I love the implication that the existence of the tranny rights movement is actually an elaborate conspiracy against black people specifically.

Also worth noting that buck breaking isn't even a real thing and never was.

Piccolo the Moor
