Guy can't understand why the US isn't exactly like his tiny ass Euro country, gets reminded of his country's evil past, and then goes full-blown Nazi on me. What the frick?

45  2019-08-21 by HodorTheDoorHolder_


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Shame on your toxic ways reddit. No, Netflix didn’t pay me and no I never got paid to post on reddit or rather accepted to post sponsored posts. But it’s heart breaking to see the amount of toxicity and threats you’re willing to spew at someone for using this platform as a 4 year old hobby now. Say what you will, we’re all on here together being bored and killing time.

Some of us enjoy lurking. Some enjoy shitposting. Others moderating. And sadly some enjoy toxic harassment without reason or proof.

Be better reddit ❤️


  1. Guy can't understand why the US isn... -,,

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Ew, food service employees.

Congratulation, this is thanks to people like you that people around the world have lost the respect they had for the United States.

Kid needs to shut his goddamn mouth before I remind everyone who saved who's ass during Ardenne.


reenact the battle of the BULGE with me, boomer daddy 😍

Implying the Fries needed to be saved to begin with.


I don’t know any servers that want to switch to a fixed wage lol. Also if you are a career cashier or line cook at McDonald’s you should behind bars because it’s over for you.

better than commies tbh

Most people complaining about the tip thing are just cheap bastards. The worst are ones that don't tip and act as if they are upending the system. You still patronized the restaurant, the owner still got your money, you are only sticking it to the waiter you goddamn morons.

They want to help the workers but if they get rid of tipping and just increase the price 20% I guarantee you the workers aren’t gonna be getting at all 20% of that amount. Probably like 12% and then owners will skim the rest off. Opposite of helping the workers really.

They do In my state. Food service is paid $3.25/hr here.

That’s all they deserve tbh

You should probably never eat out. You've probably consumed some really nasty shit without knowing it.

I didn’t get sick or die so it’s all good.


How are all the children detained in inhumane conditions at your border doing ? How are all the people bankrupted by your medical system doing ? How are all the victims of mass shootings in your country doing ? You are the incarnation of the stereotypical asshole American, my dude. Congratulation, this is thanks to people like you that people around the world have lost the respect they had for the United States.

You're forgetting some of the stuff he wrote

I was going to add more to my comment but I accidently hit the 'save' button and posted it, then realized I didn't care and just left it.

"Sir, this is a McDonalds, and I only work here part-time"

Why cant the rest of the world be just like my tiny all white euro cucked country that once had multiple SS birthing houses be the model for the world?

Tipping is fucking gay and retarded and the only service that’s worthy of tipping is if they shoot you and free you from your miserable burger life

Wait, who is tipping at McDonalds? Have I been an asshole this whole time?

People are trying to lump in fast food workers into restaurant servers

Wait. These idiots are trying to link McDonalds in with food?

The first comment in that chain was talking about tipping so I took the opportunity to shit on it. The biggest problem with it is that it’s not a bonus for good service, it’s expected.

Sounds like a serious problem.

When you compare the actual killing of jews to the jailing of chipotleamericans. Maximum cope

Guy has a point though. Fast food jobs shouldn't be paying you enough to feed a family on it and should be for people entering the workforce. If you're an adult in fast food you're a failure and should learn to better yourself.

Right but what he doesn't have in Belgium is an exploited workforce of Central and South American immigrants who don't have many other choices to work for a company that will provide any kind of benefits. They also don't have a permanent class of low income, single Black mothers who can't get many other jobs with their GED because they had to drop out of high school to raise their babies. I'm not making a joke here. Belgium can afford an excellent welfare program because it's a tiny nation. America is one nation of fifty states that set their own budgets for welfare assistance.

Maybe those people shouldn't come here illegally to work shit jobs and she should have kept her legs closed. Personal responsibility is a thing and just because you made poor choices doesn't mean your shit jobs has to pay you better.

They aren't here illegally you dumbass. You can't work at McDonald's as an illegal.

You can't honestly be serious with this take. Have you ever worked in the food industry?

Illegal immigrants are common in small privately owned restaurants but not in large corporate outfits like McDonald's.

You can't get a job somewhere like McDonald's without a valid I-9 that will be processed before you ever start. They e-verify every single employee before they begin. It's a requirement for franchisees.

McDonald's, and all other franchises, have nothing to gain from allowing their franchisees to hire illegals. The bad public image would fall on them and not the individual franchise owners and labor costs have no effect on the profits of the corporate entity. Franchises are doing a lot more to police their franchisees and assuring they have compliant I-9s than the government. It's the small privately owned restaurants that are hiring illegals.

Yeah because people don't ever work under the table in the individually owned McDonald's especially when management is all Hispanic. Definitely never steal social security numbers either. You have to be completely dense to think no illegal works at McDonald's.

Yeah, it happens, but it is rare compared to the smaller restaurants. You have to be completely dense to think that there aren't far more illegals working in small privately owned restaurants than there are in large, very exposed to the public, institutions like McDonald's.

Like I already said, large franchisers are policing their franchisees more than ICE. Franchisers that have a public image to protect are spending more resources on protecting that image by making sure labor laws are enforced.

Maybe you don't know how franchises work but the parent company has nothing to gain and everything to lose by their franchisees breaking the law. Obviously there will still be franchisees that break the law, but they are in far fewer numbers than smaller restaurants. McDonald's is also known for being notoriously difficult to deal with according to franchise owners. Such as requiring franchisees owners to use additional verification programs like LawLogix in addition to e-verify.

If you're an illegal alien your chances of getting a job at a major franchised fast food place is far less than getting a job at some locally owned burger joint.

The amount of labor law violations is slim for the big chains. Your average McDonald's franchise makes about $150k net profit which is more than double the average for large franchises. They don't have thin margins where exposing themselves to both legal and public image risks become acceptable. A franchisees certainly isn't going to put themselves at risk for losing their franchise by violating labor laws when they're running such healthy margins.

It's the little small outfits that have thinner margins where taking those risks becomes acceptable. The system favors the big chains that have better locations and can leverage better rent opportunities and far more efficient supply chains. They don't hire illegals because they don't have to in order to be profitable. No business takes on risk, any risk, unless it is necessary or provides a decent return. Hiring illegals satisfies neither of those reasons. Especially given how much exposure that such companies have.

If only you could put that energy into your relationships

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No kidding. Thank god I never had children.

Have a nice day LongPostBot, you're my only friend.

Where did I say more work at McDonald's over small restaurants? And you keep linking a companies website that doesn't prove McDonald's doesn't hire illegals, just that they use e verify which illegals get around easily. It's sad how much serious posting you tards keep doing on drama.

you keep linking a companies website that doesn't prove McDonald's doesn't hire illegals, just that they use e verify which illegals get around easily

It's an additional program to e-verify, you dunce. It isn't a program that uses e-verify at all. It's a program that is additional that is more successful at I-9 compliance than e-verify. There are others like it as well. Most large corporations use some sort of additional verification program in addition to e-verify. They do that 'cause they don't want illegals working for them. Yeah, some will still slip through the cracks but that will always happen whether there's any sort of wall or stricter immigration laws or anything. People will always figure out ways to break the law. But large companies aren't seeking out illegal labor to any significant degree. They're going to greater lengths to prevent it than your average company because they realize how important optics are. Anti-immigration laws benefit large corporation far more than smaller ones. Why else would McDonald's be contributing twice as much to Republicans than Democrats if they were depending so much on illegal labor?

It's sad how little you tards know about basic business practices.

Yes I'm the dunce. You actually believe illegals don't work at McDonald's. You're stupid and made me dumber by having a conversation with you. You literally suck IQ out of people with your retardation.

Yes I'm the dunce. You actually believe illegals work at McDonald's in significant numbers. You're stupid and made me dumber by having a conversation with you. You literally suck IQ out of people with your retardation.

Yes I'm the dunce. You actually believe illegals work at McDonald's in significant numbers. You're stupid and made me dumber by having a conversation with you. You literally suck IQ out of people with your retardation.

You realize that they just steal peoples identities and social security numbers to get legit jobs right? There's a whole illegal industry behind it. One of my best friends has been a restaurant manager for 15 years and managed a bunch of big corporate chains and he sees it all the time. He regularly gets multiple guys with the same ID and SSN applying for jobs.

Of course he has a point.

All these idiots in that post have no idea what working conditions are like in Europe (hint: a lot better).

Those morons would rather live day to day on tips (insecure work) than have a proper living wage which you can rely on (stable work) with a smaller percentage of your income coming from tips.

There's also a reason people seem much happier with secure jobs than insecure ones.

But his point was that no adult in Europe actually works those jobs at all so that's not really the choice.

Yea but what he meant was "you don't see grown adults working in fast food as often as you see young adults/students".

Which isn't wrong, even in the States I'd be surprised if it wasn't skewed more towards young adults who aren't done with school yet.

Don't forget in European countries the barrier into higher education is 250-500 Euro a semester for college, so the vast majority of people have higher education degrees. And in Germany/Austria if you don't want to attend college there's robust apprenticeship programs that are just as good as a Bachelors.

Their social system is also a lot better, so you don't have to be 69 working in McDonalds to support yourself (or a Walmart Greeter).

Again, the premise here is that "every country functions the same as America" which the Americans in that thread fail to comprehend, as they don't know any other system.

Yea but what he meant was "you don't see grown adults working in fast food as often as you see young adults/students".

Which isn't wrong, even in the States I'd be surprised if it wasn't skewed more towards young adults who aren't done with school yet.

That is literally the excuse people in America use for why it's OK that those jobs don't pay shit. They're sneering on America for being exactly the same.

Don't forget in European countries the barrier into higher education is 250-500 Euro a semester for college, so the vast majority of people have higher education degrees. And in Germany/Austria if you don't want to attend college there's robust apprenticeship programs that are just as good as a Bachelors.

The data doesn't show that. America is middle to upper middle of the pack. Notably ahead of Belgium.

Again, the premise here is that "every country functions the same as America" which the Americans in that thread fail to comprehend, as they don't know any other system.

And everyone who knows other systems seems to their theirs is somehow unique and isn't actually almost exactly the same as America. What is up with this retarded unironic American exceptionalism stance coming from yuropoors?

That is literally the excuse people in America use for why it's OK that those jobs don't pay shit. They're sneering on America for being exactly the same.

Except the people in America are being their typical vindictive selves.

The people in Europe aren't understanding why an adult would work in a fast food restaurant when they clearly have easier and better options.

Which is the case in Europe minus Italy.

The data doesn't show that. America is middle to upper middle of the pack. Notably ahead of Belgium.

Now look at average student debt. I bet you'll find something different. Being #1 isn't always as cut and dry as we want it to be.

And everyone who knows other systems seems to their theirs is somehow unique and isn't actually almost exactly the same as America.

They're not unique.

America's the exception in first world countries with its non-existing worker's benefits and protections. If anything, America's the unique one.

What is up with this retarded unironic American exceptionalism stance coming from yuropoors?

idk what's up with Americans thinking their working conditions and education system are not pure and total shit?

Maybe it's the foreigners constantly asking for visas to come study here because we have some of the best schools on earth? Or maybe it's our much higher pay rate for jobs that can't be done by half retarded children.

You mean people from third world countries that have no other choice? MAGA!

If you value your job and income more than your quality of life based on a mere 30% increase of pay, then you're the retarded one. MAGA!

My quality of life is quite good, thanks.

"I don't know what could be better, therefore it must be the best there is!"

Said the American without a clue.

I've traveled a bit, no place like home, I like getting paid a lot. And I'm not some unskilled loser leach that sees being able to be a neet on the government dime as a quality of life boost.

Except the people in America are being their typical vindictive selves.

While Europeans are pure and would never seethe over comparisons between them and the states. Come on, this is pathetic.

The people in Europe aren't understanding why an adult would work in a fast food restaurant when they clearly have easier and better options.

Which is the case in Europe minus Italy.

It's the case in the US, you know, where median income is way higher. You're comparing European mean to America edge case losers.

Now look at average student debt. I bet you'll find something different. Being #1 isn't always as cut and dry as we want it to be.

Bar move: noted.

They're not unique.

America's the exception in first world countries with its non-existing worker's benefits and protections. If anything, America's the unique one.

And it's exception in its huge employee incomes and wealth. Come on, cope more. You can only even compete at all by comparing your losers to America's losers.

Fucking lies. You said this guy was from a small country. He's Belguim. Do you not see the issue here??

Sawing off hands in rubber farms is a traditional Belgian pastime, you bigot.

  1. Burger culture is ridiculous

  2. the only thing more broke than eating mcdonalds is working at one. get a job losers



The only people I've ever seen crying about tips are people that don't live in a country where tipping is a thing or people that never worked a job with tips. All of my friends from high school that worked jobs that paid tips seemed to really enjoy making hundreds of dollars every single night.