This r/WatchRedditDie thread is a shitshow goddamn

33  2019-08-21 by Ghdust2


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This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


  1. This r/WatchRedditDie thread is a s... -,,

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N8theGr8 is a certified bootlicker, to be fair.

How is it that a top tier power mod can be blatantly racist? Bpt made black certified safe spaces too. I miss old reddit.

No one gives a fuck about your mayo seething. PRC bootlickers least of all.

Nate is 15

Doesn't he mod NSFW subs?

He does indeed!

Time to card power jannies.

Being 15 kinda makes him being a jannie okay .

If he doesn't quit in 2 years tho he will be just another loser

Being a janny is never okay, moron.


"Its totally fine that an unappointed and anonymous 15 year old can control political discourse on the 6th most browsed website in the United States."

Uhhh.. No.

Nobody should have the power that these large sub moderators do, nobody, but ESPECIALLY not a 15 year old.

15 year olds read one piece of political literature, and its either far right or far left and they just... They don't have enough experience to do nuance.

Beyond that, what are the fucking chances someone didn't say "HEY BUDDY BOY, WE'LL PAY YOU $1000 ON PAYPAL ANONYMOUSLY IF YOU NUKE THIS THREAD AND ALL THE COMMENTS!"

We KNOW that a large amount of the front page is non-organic, one way or the other.

The only ethical thing for Reddit to be, being this large, and being often a place of political discourse, is to be "hands off" - with a very clearly defined set of site-wide rules like no spam/doxx/cp.


You can laugh and make jokes but there's a court case going on right now that will determine the future of the internet, and it touches base here.

Prager U is suing YouTube stating they need to make a choice between being a public forum or a publisher.

The communications decency act passed in 1996 with bilateral support from both parties states in section 203 that public forums cannot be held liable for content posted on them, but also states in essence that they have to give everyone a voice, unless it's something that breaks the law or something that people typically wouldn't be allowed to do in a public forum like lewd acts etc.

It's quite akin to the fairness doctrine with radio and television.

If the court sides with Prager U, I foresee very quickly other lawsuits following against every tech giant, including Reddit.

I hope eventually that it would be unlawful to silence people criticizing genocidal regimes because they just so happened to "follow" an economic model that is rising in popularity.

My rule has always been, when I see something, imagine the other side doing it, and if it sparks outrage, probably it is unethical.

In this specific example, I imagined that some right-wing people tried to sweep under the rug and silence people who criticized Reaganomics or the war on drugs.

This hypothetical action would have, of course, outraged any liberal worth their fucking salt.

So you can laugh buddy, but I'm telling you this is very important.


take the pragerpill nmj!

Dude their videos are too laughable.

Its the most propaganda propaganda I've ever seen.

The economic claims are so easily disprovable that I could do it with a blindfold and unprepared in a formal debate setting.

I know "serious posting in drama" but this is actually pretty well written and raises a good point. Like it or not reddit gets a HUGE amount of traffic and anywhere else in the business world a 15 year old curating content would be laughable.


Cant be racist against mayos sweaty. That's the only thing about n8 that doesn't drip faggotry.

Shut the fuck up mayo. 🤮


Unironically, calling out China is based regardless of which side of the political spectrum someone is one and it should be fully supported.

The only people that support the Chinese regime have insect brains.

Why are they so mad? Someone being a Reddit power jannie that mods 200+ subs is already a self own in itself.

I got pinged who even knows how many times in this thread. Imagine if that were someone like g.boob who actually cared about stuff like that.

Even N8theGr8 thinks the boob is a whiny bitch. 😂😂😂