Streaming was a mistake

56  2019-08-22 by Ghdust2


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When the dramatards obsess over something, they do not let it go until it's completely torn apart. You're the pitbulls of people, but with less to contribute to society.


  1. Streaming was a mistake -,,

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Who knew that allowing drugged up mayos to be given thousands in disposable income to act like drugged up mayos could ever backfire?

It's delicious for dramacoin at least.

This girl is actually bipolar and more vids were revealed of her lying and laughing about it. White knight streamer Boneclinks actually realized on stream in real time.

Still, irl streaming attracts the severely mentally ill and schizophrenic

Someone doing a reaction vid to their own sexual assault should have been the first red flag.

they all need a one-way trip to a swiss clinic

Dude, the fact you're trying to defend any of them makes you a pretty big faggot. Streamers deserve every bad thing they get since they willingly involve themselves and (unwillingly) involve others in risky shit.

It's this sub, so I fucking knew someone would be defending these manchildren from the foid menace

Stating the facts about the situation that have been revealed since the linked video came out isn’t defending

Never trust foids

She’s uggo

Well I guess that’s a “fail”. lol