COPEing CAfugee containment chamber #n SEETHES about the gamer girl bath water menace.

85  2019-08-22 by zsfh


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People with PCOS who are too fat to defend themselves or run away are fun to abuse. I like to take a spoon, heat it up until it's glowing hot, then place it on the skin while they're asleep. The reaction when they wake up after the 25th time of being burned by a redhot piece of metal is amazing. You can literally piecemeal their mental stability down to complete insanity, then leave them in their own homes helpless and alone. :DDDDDDDDDD


  1. COPEing CAfugee containment chamber... -,

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If Jesus exists and would be around in 2019. This image would be the 11th commandment

Would it require women to take pictures like that or ban them entirely?

absolutely cursed image

I think the "Tactical Nu-male" is just a subset of the nu-male.

TFW you wish you were panel 3

why tho

Shitty attempt at humor? 🤷🏿‍♂️

I love how the original image continues to piss off cisfoids to this day.

Although I like how you can tell you edited shit out of the first panel lmao

Sleepless summer nights to build a computer

How the fuck

Technically she never said that the sleepless nights were spent actually building the computer. She could have been up late "working" on one of those family friendly livecam sites. Or maybe she was doing both 🤔

Yeah like wtf, you can follow a YouTube tutorial and have everything done in 2-3 h with minimal computer knowledge.

All the heavy work was done by the hardware manufacturers to make sure everything fits only one way and is basically impossible to fuck up.

I mean you have to ensure comparability between parts when your planning your build, but other than that it is pretty hard to fuck up.

True, but Pcpartpicker app can check that when you order some parts from them. Building pcs isn't some arcane shit like it was 25 years ago

I'm not saying it's difficult by any means. Even without PC part picker it's pretty simple. Like 30 to 60 minutes of research is all you need to understand each part and how comparability works. Basically only someone who's never looked into building a personal computer would think it's challenging.

Pcpartpicker pretty much does that for you.

Pretty sure the sleepless nights were like a part time job where she made money to buy that PC, not that it took her that long to build it. And there's lot more wrong with it than just the case being sideways.

But the biggest crime is unironically posting your "battlestation" on the internet. It's a place where you eat Cheetos, play vidya and masturbate. Caring about what it looks like or even calling it battlestation is the highest level of faggotry you can achieve.

calling the tower the CPU

Boomer detected

making fun of redditism is good but rightoids are bad, im conflicted here

Choose the path of the radical centrist; make fun of both.

The fact that this needs to be said... 🤔🤔 newfriends smh my head 😤😤😤

So subscribe for the posts and ignore the comments, thanks for showing me the way.

subscribe for the posts and ignore the comments,

That's what I do.


a lot of sleepless summer nights

What. Building a PC can be done in an afternoon. Who would leave an unfinished build sitting around for days on end? Why is the tower sitting sideways under the desk?

The only explanation is that this is a level 3 ironic bait post and I ate it.

Why do betas feel the need to rabidly defend every semi-attractive women that posts on reddit?

She’s not even attractive, it’s just a flattering picture that hides her janky face and flab.

Gross, that's the type of woman I would approach in a bar because she's ugly enough to actually settle for me

Sometimes it’s better to be alone.

Volcels rise up

thank god for booze

That's some lvl. 99 makeup shit oh my god. I found this picture of her without makeup:

Honestly not anywhere as bad as the first picture, but still the makeup work is really impressive.

Haha, wow, what a low-quality woman hehehe. I wouldn't even waste my time with such an disgusting creature when there are real women wanting me lol

100% freak

Lol that sub is great besides the comments

r/averageredditor is the only half-decent righty sub and r/stupidpol is the only half-decent lefty sub, cmv

Stupidpol is Chapo where you can say Retard, therefore it's not even close to being halfway decent

It's some pretty entertaining content, just from a retard's perspective.

r/averageredditor won't last. The content is funny but the comments section is the same old MDE/alt-right spergery that's been banned and quarantined a thousand times already.

r/stupidpol is funny because their mere existence makes radlibs seethe.

shut the fuck up boomer

so r/drama is just r/circlebroke3 now

Imagine believing this

You will never reach the truth of why this always happens

if you put your PC together instead of paying somone to do it you are an eternal incel

even if you are a girl

even if you have sex

you are the incel of society