Pibble kissing a bird in a super cute video!

64  2019-08-22 by charming_tatum


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Dumbass bird lmao

People say he was taped to the fence. Seems reasonable since thats the kind of thing a pibble owner would do.

Now that you say that it does look an awful lot like it was indeed taped to the fence.

Bird is still dumbass for getting caught in the first place tho


Yeah it definitely looks like it since his left leg is standing still when he does that flap with his wings

You can also actually see the tape

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Both are simply r/drama without an audience


Don't get me wrong, shitbulls and their owners are awful, but I don't think there are very many dogs that wouldn't eat a bird if given the chance.

Hell, my beagle killed a bird last week.

Yeah this is what we call natural selection.

Cats decimate entire bird populations lol.

Keep your cat indoors please

-50 and counting.

Tweets: The rainforest is on fire!




Fuck that stupid-ass dog.

fucking rip

That bird absolutely deserved it and yes I am victim blaming deal with it faggots.

Someone post this in r/whatswrongwithyourdog under the title of "Silly pit bull confuses bird with toddler" or something to that affect.

I would but last time I made a pibble comment they banned me.


So now we're posting snuff videos.