Commie Grandpa proposes spending 13 Trillion dollars to completely change every aspect of American Infrastructure. Assures everyone that it will pay for itself in 15 years.

8  2019-08-22 by JohnWoo4


As if I needed more reasons to believe he's a moron.

that's right

what the US needs to do is not to invest money in struggling (inefficient) communities, it needs to tax rur*ls more, take away subsidies from them, take away Medicaid clinics, use carbon tax that would be used for Soviet flair projects with free fentanyl to relocate rurals there

there goes like 20-35% of your emissions basically for free

I'd vote for that

Sell the Southeast to China.

fuck no, Chinese rurals are even worse, they are basically NPCs who enthusiastically support Xi Jinping no matter what he would do to their freedoms as long as he bribes them with goodies

sell it to Singapore, they are authoritarian, but good type of authoritarian, as in real technocrats (not Chinese LARPers) and they are not pro-rural

But who will pick the cotton?

dude we've actually been having a decent week re: not too much humorless seriousposting faggotry

why must you ruin that?

Hot take: we need to take radical action to fight climate change now. It has to happen, doing nothing is not a viable option.

I agree, let’s bomb the shit out of Asia and Africa because they’re responsible for something like 80% of all air and water pollution.

It has to be kinetic bombardment from orbit. All the fallout from bombs or nuclear will pollute even more. Hell what am I thinking? Plagues! Genocide now!

As an American, I have the God given right to privately own an orbital bombardment satellite capable of launching 15 yard tungsten rods at the Earth's surface at Mach 10.

As a fellow burger let me assure you that most likely our burger bucks have helped pay for exactly that . So in a way we do own them.

Taxes are a way for the government to cuck you and buy itself cool guns and bombs with your own money.

meh nuclear weapons are more climate friendly

Few things.

A) the US has far higher pollution rates per capita than Asia.

B) If we were to go back to the 1920s and add up all of the pollution until now, the US alone blows Asia out of the water.

This meme where rightoids pretend Asia is to blame for the climate crisis, while sounding very good on the surface, doesn't stand up to scrutiny.

This isn't even getting into the fact we export a lot of our emissions to Asia by using them as factories.

Edit: Stay mad rightoid.

Very true, we should also bomb the shit out of europe

per capita

Nice try

per capita

If you were serious about fighting climate change, you wouldn't give a shit about per capita. The earth certainly doesn't.

All of a sudden these niggas understand per capita. Time to have a discussion about crime statistics.

climate crisis

Yes, the climate crisis. As in the greatest economic and humanitarian threat the human race currently faces.

Respond within 48 hours if you aren’t joking and also are straight.

this dude is finna drop a terabyte of text on ur ass

Pretty sure he’s jk

Stay tuned



This isnt a hot take at all literally every leftoid says the same thing please come up with something original 🙈🙈


The sound of California during fire season.

the lob,

the jam!


Cali's on fire.

Good. We earned it.

Haha I just got whooshed!

Your right but no one will ever vote someone willing to take these kinds of actions into power. Leafs whine like crazy over a small carbon tax, which is barely doing anything, and leafs are all leftoids meaning they are easier to convince about this then most countries populations. The Radcenter take is to vote for rightoids b/c we're all gonna be fucked over by climate change in the future anyways so we might as well enjoy low taxes until Doomsday gets here.

Hotter take, climate change is a good thing for northern rich country (yurop and the us), because it will open up new places for agriculture, raise the agriculture production (it already did raise it), and open new naviguation way and ressources via the north pole ice going away. Suck to be african tho.

Lava hot take : that's why nobody in power care about the climate change.

this take and saying bernards plan is retarded is not mutually exclusive.

if you want to fight climate change and call nuclear a "false solution," you're straight up, 100% complete leftoid retard who denies science just slightly less than rightoids.

A undramatic political seriouspost?


It’s fucking hilarious how the dems entire platform is focused on pandering to non citizens and to see how much taxpayer money can fund a doomsday cult lie

It’s fucking hilarious how

it's hilarious how no sentence that starts with these words is ever actually hilarious


doomsday cult lie

Grandpa go home

I think he might be worse, he might a conservatard like Charlie Kirk or chabanais who try to suck up to their grandparents by LARPing as boomer

Not drama, you troglodyte.

the racism is simply this – why do random people off the internet see fit to tell a fully trained meditation instructor of the highest calibre that he isn’t enlightened because he’s angry?

Answer: white privilege.


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Make mexico pay for it, easy