Brave degenerate defends the right of grown men in doggy BDSM suits to be around children

127  2019-08-23 by GulielmusBastardus


I am thoroughly trouncing you. I've seen your mo and I spanked you at your own game. I found your flaw and exploited it quite nicely, my slaughtered braised goose.


  1. Brave degenerate defends the right ... -,

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Can people be preemptively put on a pedophile list?

Cus there is no way in hell that's not where this is going.

I mean this guy for sure has a secret folder on his hard drive.

Nothing preemptive about it. He believes children should be exposed to sex acts to "prepare them" for adulthood. He's a pedophile.

The industrial



and its consequences

have been a


wow this is really bad posting



I’ve said it before: if I had to choose between cyberpunk totalitarianism and primitivism, I’d be so totalitarian I’d make China look like a hippie commune.

Fuck I would totally do the same thing if it meant I could get legs made of shark polysaccharides and use them to jump on homeless people.

did you really think a billion+ people are living unhappy in China? If that was true, the government would already be toppled with those kind of numbers. The truth is that many people were pulled out of poverty and went from eating tree bark to eating fine cuisines from around the world and going on vacations around the world.


Unofficially they’re eating whatever crawled out of the walls of the sweatshops but I agree it’s better than when they were communist

That’s just not good logic lmao

if you can track down the tweets this guy's ex wife wrote about him being a retarded manchild i will upvote it and you will have a good laugh at their expense.

I could only find this pic of them. (Yes it is real and yes he is one of the all time Jeopardy! greats)

he's just as disgusting and inept as you would imagine

He looks like a bunch of indiviual retarded molecules joined together and gained sentience.

retarded molecules

Low IQ electrons cannot compete with protons (positive on that folks), and why is Crooked nucleus deleting her guanines? And why are the electrons trying to invade? It's a disaster what is happening at the border. Have you heard about this cytoplasm gang? We need a wall, a big beautiful wall. Mopey Mitochondria says its not possible, that we can't have a wall. So plants can have a wall but we can't? Sad!

Low IQ electrons cannot compete with protons (positive on that folks)

😷 nerd jokes 😷

My favorite was where she says he leaves a kind of sheen on everything he touches like a fat asian slug


The whole point of Pride - or at least one major point of it - is that our society decides what is and isn't a "fetish" arbitrarily

That's not how the definition of words work. What fetishism entails is pretty clearly defined.

That's also not the point of pride at all. Pride is about gay people, which has fuck-all to do with degenerates masturbating while dressed like dogs in public.

Nah, that sounds like gay people to me.



Agreed. There's separate festivals for that shit.

There's a reason they're behind closed doors or cages or whatever they want to call them nowadays.


Spoiler: Being gay is just a fetish for the same sex.

I used to think this but really, if Christians can devote their whole lives to gay conversion and fail, but you can develop a new fetish just by clicking on the wrong porn link, sexual orientation is probably a different thing altogether


That's about troids, but not any less disgusting


wasn't this guy a jeopardy finalist or something? when did he turn into a retard

Pretty sure it's a prerequisite.

Last I heard, Ken Jennings was actually a sane, likable person. So apparently it is possible to have that talent without being, you know, a dramanaut.

He was on Jeopardy and won a bit. He also managed to be an obnoxious moron the entire time. His ability to remember a bunch of useless shit like an idiot savant was his claim to minor fame.

I'm guessing this current hottest of takes on twitter will be his next.

The funny thing is everybody thought he was an insufferable douchebag even back then

Son/Daughter: "I want to talk to you about something important... I lost my virginity last weekend."

Me, an intellectual: "LOL If you didn't have two curvy Asian dominatrixes dressed in latex nun outfits burning your chest with their cigars while you're strapped to a St Pious X with a suction pump milking your penis did it even ever begin for you? 😤😤🧐🧐🧐"

S/D: "....Ok?"

Someone needs to create a list of these people. We could even give them little patches, like the jews had.

I'm open to giving them other things the jews got too

It's over for jeopardycels

Trebek looks like he's about wrist deep in Chu Chong's Twitter profile pic.

My fursona is alex tribeck


And this isn't even furry, it's pup play.

Pup play is even note autistic somehow



I fucking hate this shit. Pretend for a minute this guy isn’t just pushing for the normalization of pedophillia (He is). Part of the reason why sex and seduction is fun is because it’s Taboo and feels “Dangerous”. Why would you want every kink normalized?

What is a pedophile, Alex

I bet he has a very interesting porn collection.

No they won’t. Unless someone is grooming them. A fetish is an object that has been inappropriately sexualised. I’m over 70 and I’ve never had a fetish, nor will I. I think you need to consider what you regard as normal and what others don’t.


This guy is beyond salvageable. I’d like to put my lady on a leash and lead her around town for the mutual humiliation sexiness.

But I fucking don’t because no one in town, child or otherwise, consented to it. It’s not difficult.