/r/soccer Arabs discuss Israel vs. Palestine

24  2019-08-23 by remarkENable


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The good thing about this community, is it’s still based on consent, as no one is fattened against their will. In a way it’s admirable seeing these women do this to themselves, as it shows a real dedication to work against the grain of society and become the sizes they do.


  1. /r/soccer Arabs discuss Israel vs. ... - archive.org, archive.today

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We should have just given the Jews Australia instead

The original Zionists wanted Argentina. We are so close to a flock of geopolitical birds with a single stone...

unironically we should have just wiped out the krauts and let them have germany


/r/soccer has been loving the politics lately. It used to be one of the few places on Reddit where you could get away from it.

Now every few days there's a thread like this that gets far more upvotes than anything else on the sub, and half the comments are from people who've never posted there before.

If you complain you're met with a wall of "politics and football go together" or "everything is political".

Lol at the kikes talking about Arab conquerors kicking out native rats from their lands. I see JIDF has made its way to the thread post haste. Fucking untermensch