Extremely high IQ discussion about the use of the word "chasers". Yes, this is what people debate about.

57  2019-08-23 by 2Manadeal2btw


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If they're ugly they're an incel tier chaser if they're hot they're a good trans ally not hard to understand

This sounds like incel logic, sweaty!

I'm just here for the mouth feel

Have sex incel

Same logic used by foids but instead of chaser it's creep.

I wish I would attract some chasers I'm so fucking lonely

I mean dude bussy lmao haha

Poignant and spiritually truepilled.




Safe yourself keep, reverse l

Enjoy your ban :>


Birbs don't sweat hun


Post fursona, birb.

I-I'm shy ;v;

I promised I'll be nice can't say the same for the other spergs.

Have you tried being hot?

This, but unironically

implying I'm ever ironic


Have sex incel

Are you offering?


Post busy and we will see

Do furries' have bussies?


Birds would have cloacae.

"Why won't anyone date trans women? 😢 Everyone is a bigot and hates us 😢" - trans people

"Ewwwww! Why are these creepy guys trying to date trans women! They're chasers 😢 " - also trans people

"Why can't I, a person on the absolute margins of social acceptability, get with a completely normal, well-adjusted guy with social capital >:("

Don't forget the suicidal tendencies!

Have sex incel

Got you tagged as a BadUK poster, which is a Nazi hatesub, sweaty.

d-delete this





To be fair, that’s typical foid behavior.

Interesting hypothesis.

Perhaps the root cause of gender dysphoria is society's classification of irrational behaviour as a feminoid trait.

Fixated on this, the male, who is already irrational, begins to think he must therefore be female.

Mention me in your Nobel prize speech.

It’s the old theory of “treat them like dirt, stick to you like mud”. They want the ideal male who doesn’t give the time of day. The thirsty guys that they do attract come across as creeps or desperate

A chaser is really no different than a man going after a slump buster. Most dudes will have sex with any women as long as their boys don’t find out. Basically trans women who experience the so called chaser are really just getting the life of 3/10 or below women. Like many 3/10 some people have fetishes for them like fat fetish or huge foot fetish.

😂😂 Everything you said is true. How did you get all this wisdom?


AIDS is a blessing made by God

Basically the same as if gay men complain that only gay men are interested in having sex with them.

Have sex incel

Wait, this isn't about drinking?

I thought it was referring to HIV chasers. I'm still not entirely convinced that it's not.

Oh my god stop fucking typing

queer society

I like fantasy novels

Chasers was already used in gay communities for a long time and nobody gave a fuck and now these "foids" are trying to make a big deal of it. Gotta hand it to them, trussy is truly as annoying as gussy