This picture scares redditors

439  2019-08-23 by escargott


That was worse than I thought it would be. They even singled out a certain user.


  1. This picture scares redditors -,

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It is cute, because it shows a picture of an aggressive dog currently not mauling anything.

Its photoshopped tho

You might be on to something here.

Liberals don't want us to mention race! Don't mention haha or you'll make them mad!

Now that I've introduced the subject the author of this thread actually wants to discuss, you may reply below with all your racism.

Its funny because the argument goes both ways

"Hating Pitbulls is like Hating on Black People"

"Black people are naturally violent like Pitbulls"

Liberal ideology is full of that kind of subtly racist stuff.

Its not even really that subtle lol.

Um most 'Pit bulls' aren't going out mauling people. It's just that when it happens people and generally are very loud about it.

Dogs that do end up calling people end up being called 'pit bulls' when they don't even fit into the pitbull category they made.




Of course they dont need to go out and maul people because they just eat their owner's babies and grandparents. Theyre not even respectable as a hunter predator like tigers. Babies are literally chicken tendies their mom brings right to them.

Yeah I'm done with you. A month or so ago I spent like 2-3 days arguing and continuously proving that guy wrong and both I and my Dad have had plenty of you people over the years.

Remember don't downvote the lowcows 😌


This is the same guy that was here last time defending pibbles, he's a true PIDF card carrying member


I fucked your dad and his pibble

Your dog is as shit a breed as you are fentnigger

Pibbles = dog Nazis.

You = Nazi

How will I ever recover? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Stop trying to pass your stadordshire pitshit whatever the fuck mutts as if they're not pitbulls. Nobody's here to play the semantics game, we all know what a pitbull looks like.

Yeah. Blocky head. Not everything is a pitbull idiot.

A pitbull is a dog that looks like a pitbull you fucking retard.

That you think looks like a pitbull.

A lab mix can have a blocky head like a American Pitbull Terrier, so therefore idiots like you would likely call it a pitbull, especially if it bites somebody.

If it looks like a pit and it eats babies like a pit, then it's a pit.

Wrong. But okay.

And I've never ever heard of a case where any dog eats a baby.

Check and mate, every baby killed by a pibble.was just slightly nibbled and smooched, not swallowed whole. Therefore they should not be sterilized

especially if it bites somebody.

well yeah, cause pitbulls are the breed that bites and kills people

So do other breeds.

God you're a fucking retard. Nobodys getting mauled by Labradors. A pitt lab mix is a pitt you fuckhead.

What abort the Pomeranians that have killed babies. And the anotolian shepherd that killed it's owner.

All idiots like you want to talk about is 'pit bulls'. Because of idiots like you. The media gets more clicks with a pit story.

God you fuckheads love your massive fucking muscle dogs. Nobody gives a shit about fucking Pomeranian. Take your stupid fucking whataboutism and shove it up your ass.

No, I'm not a gang member. They often want the biggest baddest thing around. Which happens to be a big muscular bully.

And while I work on that you should get your head our of your butt.

What the fuck are you talking about you emasculated retard. Half the people who own pits are compensating idiots.

It seems like that. It saddens me because it gives those who aren't a bad name.

Owning a pibble makes you a retard one way or another. Unless you fully understand its only use is as a violent dog.

you fuckheads love your massive fucking muscle dogs

Just say darkies. You know you want to.

White people own these stupid fucking dogs more than darkies do nowadays.

It's okay to be white, please dont sic your pibble on me.

It's okay to be white


Dogs that do end up calling people end up being called 'pit bulls' when they don't even fit into the pitbull category they made.

So just get rid of the dogs that people call "pit bulls". Easy.

So like 8 different breeds plus any dog that acts aggressively that is a medium sized dogs. Kills tens of thousands of innocent dogs. Got it.

They don't call it a final solution just cause it sounds cool.

All those aggressive golden retrievers being mistaken for pitbulls left and right

Kills tens of thousands of innocent dogs.

Death to all doggies. Long lives kitties !

Kills tens of thousands of innocent dogs.

Would be enough to sterilize them and wait 12 years.

So end all dogs then because a dog has the possibility to hurt someone without a moments notice. I mean zoo animals have escaped and went on a rampage. Why don't we end all animals because you never know. While we're at it, stop producing cars because they cause way too many accidents. Swimming pools too. Too many kids drown in those.

So end all dogs

No, just pibbles.

Because other dogs totally don't do anything wrong.

why do you want to kill all dogs?

Do they love to give kisses to children like the pit bulls?

Not at the level pibbles do. It's like: most other dogs are a .22. Capable of harm, but still not *that* spoopy. Pibbles are Gatling guns.

I'm fine doing the same to Rottweilers, too. Fatalities would be down like 90%

zoo animals

Kept in cages.


License needed to use one.

Swimming pool

Last I checked swimming pools dont break out of your property to drown kids.

swimming pools dont break out of your property to drown kids.

I think that's the next Stephen King novel.

Dogs in general are usually housed or tethered one way or another.

And I've never heard of a dog breaking out of a property with the goal of killing some kid.

Sure about that?

Dogs in general are usually housed or tethered one way or another.

But when they're not, they're usually pitbulls

Can you show me statistics of smaller dog breeds causing fatalities/disfiguration in comparison to pitbull breeds?

Exactly. Pibbles are the sweetest, most loving doggos ever. Just because some children and infants can't handle the intensity of their love kisses doesn't mean we should ban them.

I mean you're not entirely wrong but I know that's sarcastic.

Why the fuck would you put a god damn 9700k in the same build as a 1050 Ti you stupid bitch

To allow for expansion plus I didn't know exactly what level a 1050 was on.

Why is a pathetic idiot like you doing something petty like looking through someone's comment history to find an argument.

Becuase it made you start fucking seething again and that made me laugh

also, I can reply to this comment for you if you want

This is totally projection, I'm not not mad at all despite the fact I replied to this day old thread within 45 seconds of you posting it. You're the one who's mad and pathetic


Y'all dog raycis!

I wish I had money to "award" this post.

LifeBroTip: some of my fellow gentlesirs like to use the medal emoji "πŸ₯ˆ" when they can't give gold.

edit: wow, thanks for the gold kind stranger!

edit: now my top comment is about reddit gold xD

What is the Redditor obsession with pibbles? They don't exactly suit the soy-guzzler Marvel fanboy stereotype.

Every dog can identify as vegan so every pitbull can identify as something that doesn't need to be put down

Because not liking pitbulls is racist.

Theyre fucking their girlfriends. Mayo cuck logic.

Because the redditor has to be stupid and contrarian in his every thought and action. capeshit is high art. tradition is meaningless. religion is evil. accountability is oppression. discipline is contemptible. consumption is culture. this website is full of actual, literal, trash.

Redditors are smart and agreeable people.

Wtf are you rambling about?

I've been in a state of amphetamine psychosis ever since I discovered you can tweak your ass off using only nasal spray and a few common household ingredients

Real answer is insecure mayo manlets try and make a comparison between pit bulls and non mayo races.

You realize you probably do have autism because any dog capable of this and hungry will most likely do it.

I mean dogs aren't exactly vegans and they are predators so rabbits, squirrels, birds are open territory.

You realize you probably do have autism because any dog capable of this and hungry will most likely do it.

oh man a pibbie lover blaming the owner. what a shocker.

I never even said anything about owners idiot.

Now I am.

People often grab a dog they can't handle. As some trainers and breeders will say: "It's too much dog for them". The people shouldn't do that. People try to tell them otherwise, but they don't always listen.

yea it's totally not the breed or anything πŸ™„

It's actually not.

i totally believe you sweaty

I'm sure that's meant as derogatory but I don't know what it means.

Pitbull is not a breed. It is used as a classification.

American Pitbull Terrier. Staffordshire Terrier is a breed. Bull Terrier is a breed.

I'm sure that's meant as derogatory but I don't know what it means.


Pitbull is not a breed. It is used as a classification.

American Pitbull Terrier. Staffordshire Terrier is a breed. Bull Terrier is a breed.

you knew exactly what i meant. are you ok do you need to talk?


Unfortunately I don't think I did

Keep going, dude I've almost got Bingo.


That's not on the card, pal.

Oh sweet. Lemme say which one's I agree with and that are taken wrongly by idiots like you.

No need for name calling.

I mean I'm calling you what you're acting like. I guess there really isn't a need for it though. Sorry, I guess.

Here we go.

It's all how you raise 'em.

Somewhat true.

They're bred to be nanny dogs.

Wrong. Originally they were bred as fighting dogs. It doesn't mean they do around attacking people, though. I mean look at Goldenlight Barney.

Gotta watch them around children.

Depends. Up to the individual to know their dog I guess.

There's no such thing as a pit bull

Technically no. There isn't. Idiots usually call any dog that bites somebody or looks even slightly similar to an American Pitbull Terrier a "pitbull". So the term has been polluted.

(Photo of Pit with baby)

I mean not terrible evidence, not gonna lie. I had one around me for my whole baby/toddler life. The only dog that ever caused a problem with me was my Dad's Wife's dog, a horribly bred (like most of her dogs) American Pitbull Terrier. My 'nanny' dog didn't appreciate it.

Pit bulls are misunderstood

Yes, they are.

Dogs are just like people

No, they aren't.

You're ignorant

Most are.

Get educated

Most need it.

Coconuts kill more people

Can't verify. Assuming yes, though. I know for a fact swimming pools kill more children then 'pit bulls', though.

You should have gotten a bigger dog

Yeah I don't know what this is supposed to mean. Don't know how this is going to help with anything.

You shouldn't have been in the front yard

If you're a burglar or something, you shouldn't have been. Sucks for you that they have a guard dog that's worth a hoot and you ignored the "Beware of Dog" sign that was probably there.

Your dog shouldn't have barked

Wrong. If your dog is the aggressor than it's your problem that the other dog acted. But if some dog is randomly barking and a dog attacks it, that's probably a problem. You have to understand that with dogs, barking is their language. Because it's not spoken by humans and we don't know particular words doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

I have a right to own any pet I want

Somewhat. Depends on your area. If this is their response against a called extermination then it is a weak response that makes owners look bad but not entirely wrong.

Toughen up- it's not that bad.

Yeah this isn't the right thing to say.

Lick you to death

Well, it's terminology we and all dog owners in general use.

Blame the owner

It often times is the owners fault, though. But there are a lot of cases where it's not.

Blame the deed, not the breed

Hey I guess I fall in a stereotype because I kind of find this saying catchy and accurate. Many other breeds do the same thing as well. Just because attacks by 'pit bulls' are more reported than other breeds doesn't mean other attacks by different breeds don't happen.

Somehow, the dog got out

Irresponsibility of the owner here. They should have a proper enclosure/teather to ensure that the dog doesn't get lose, aggressive dog or not. (My town seems to have a problem with this. Dogs always run loose. People don't care and it's not enforced.)

Somehow, the dog broke free.


Chihuahuas bite more.

This is true. Those bites go less reported because they often times aren't that serious. But I've known cases where they have ripped all of the flesh off a finger and things like that. And also the media would rather report 'Pitbull bites person' because that'll get more clicks.

All dogs bite

Yes, this is true as well.

My dog would never bite

You never know that. I do have some dogs I know would not bite, unless attacked. Then some that will probably nip. Then one (not a APBT or anything you idiots want to consider a 'pitbull') that would bite. 700+ square pounds per inch of bite force isn't pretty. I'd pretty much guarantee he will bite you.

I can't believe my dog bit someone

Well, they should believe it. Stuff happens. They're blind if they think it can't.

You must have done something

Not must have, but it's a possibility.

Poor dog must have been scared/confused/being protective.

A likely case for any dog if it bit someone.

Photo of a pit bull in a tutu

Proves dogs can be cute. Nothing more.

Thanks that’s pretty cool

I mean if you're serious thanks. I spent way too long typing that out just for them to not listen but I had to say something lol

I read it. So thanks.

likely case for any dog if it bit someone

Have you seen stray dogs chase someone? Theyre animals that hunt

You can type 10,000 characters and you decided that these were the one's that you wanted.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

Go away bot

Hurr Durr, gO aWaY bOt

I'm sure that's meant as derogatory but I don't know what it means.

How did you even find this sub?

People often grab a dog they can't handle.

If you think there is nothing wrong with owning a pit bull, you clearly do not know enough about dogs to own one, though.

I mean my Dad has had hundreds of registered American Pitbull Terriers over the years and the only one I can recall that acted aggressively was one that had a problem. Two dogs that shouldn't have been bred to together. The result had been with either two or three different owners and had bit or try to bite his owners. My Dad gave it it's last chance. So he was the 3rd or 4th owner. Two days, fine. Third day, tried to bite. Was going to feed him last then. Tried the same thing. Needless to say he put him down. He will not put up with a dog, any dog, that bites for no reason. What I always found kind of odd was the dog's name. Chaos. Quite matching.

What responsibilities do you have in live besides shoveling dog shit.

"hundreds of pitbulls" wtf are you doing to your dogs. Do you own like 20 at a time or are you just constantly killing them.

They kill eachother, mostly

Your dad is as big of a faggot as you are. Hopefully you dont breed so your offspring dont have to pay for your kike tier takes on breed ownership. #killallpitbulls

πŸ˜‚ you mad

Low-key yes. It's a massive stereotype and misconception that only causes more problems. I mean we get a 3' high dog that bites somebody and people say "pitbull". No, it isn't.

That’s just impressive

but.. but.. why is the bird's legs stuck on the fence? damn, the pitbull really does go in for the horrific kill! /s

Real tragedy, she would have made an excellent mole person one day.

Stop reposting this smh

I'll fucken do it again.jpg

Don't forget about the Chihuahuas and their massive death toll

"But Chihuahuas are more violent"

yeah and I can also punt it into the stratosphere

Id assume this picture is supposed to be some kind of a metaphor. Maybe the rubber ducky represents childhood innocence?

It hurts

Dogs fucking blow anyways just have a kid or something if you need something to take care of. Don't be cucked into raising the child of another species

Maybe if Trump gets a pitbull, they won’t get pitbulls

You want Daddy’s kids to be eaten?

Isn't this just straight up a repost

I can't believe r/drama is pretending to Care about children.
