There is a gun store in Maine whose owner doesn’t have internet, so he posts Infowars-esque propaganda on his billboard instead.

58  2019-08-23 by Ghdust2


Are you writing fiction now?

I don't even hate women, and I'm sure as hell not an incel. You seem to have just fabricated that bit. I've literally said like 20 times on here the "I hate women" bit is ironic.



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I know this guy IRL and he is the physical embodiment of B A S E D

I'm curious what he looks like, but on the other hand I'm pretty sure I know exactly what he looks like.

You're most likely correct. A true-blue bud-drinking fentanyl-American.

we can and will mock him but the hard fact is that this guy has pleased every foid he's ever bedded without a shred of effort

They literally have a woman in the article that wanted to get un-sterilized just to have his kids. I mean, say what you want about boomer MAGAs, but that's not something that's happening to millennial "softbois" or whatever the term for f*ggot is now.


had 2 kids in her 20s with a different guy

eats McDonald's literally every day

can his wife even classify as a foid at this point? Im getting sick just thinking of what that thing looks like


Usually he wears full camo gear to meetings. There are ex-Navy seals that come to these things and they wear polo shirts.” 

Jani let out a long sigh.“We’re just like, ‘okay, man’.” 

Lol aite that's p based

>can his wife even classify as a foid at this point? Im getting sick just thinking of what that thing looks like

it's 'murica, it's not like you get a choice regarding the gravitational pull of the women

Hes a frog-American- Maine is lousy with them.

What kind of beer does he drink?

Bud light

Guy's so based, ironic comments just fly past him.

True post-irony.

I love my state and our Americans. Triggered libturds can head straight back down 95 to to assachewzits


I broke the ice by telling him I was “buying a handgun for my Texan girlfriend’s birthday,” which he was excited about.

Nothing quite like breaking the ice in a gun shop by declaring that you intend to make a straw purchase of a handgun

Purchasing a firearm as a bona fide gift is not illegal and expressly allowed, per the instructions on the 4473 when you fill it out. The only regulation that may be of concern is that some states require a FFL transfer if you are gifting a firearm.

Question 11.a. Actual Transferee/Buyer: For purposes of this form, a person is the actual transferee/buyer if he/she is purchasing the firearm for him/herself or otherwise acquiring the firearm for him/herself. (e.g., redeeming the firearm from pawn, retrieving it from consignment, firearm raffle winner). A person is also the actual transferee/buyer if he/she is legitimately purchasing the firearm as a bona fide gift for a third party. A gift is not bona fide if another person offered or gave the person completing this form money, service(s), or item(s) of value to acquire the firearm for him/her, or if the other person is prohibited by law from receiving or possessing the firearm.

I think that's technically correct but I've heard many ffl's still would prefer to sell to the person who is actually receiving the firearm. Especially if they don't really know the person who wants to do this.

It's not a straw purchase or a no-tax-stamp SBR if it's made by someone with the right heart and politics

Many angrey tweets that day!


This guy seems like a based boomer

Make him a modp

He's married so he probably doesn't meet the virginity requirement to be a mod.

also remember fuck jannies