Controversial post is controversial.

23  2019-08-23 by prizmaticanimals


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You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


  1. Controversial post is controversial... -,,

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"Trump supporters of Reddit, come out of hiding so I can send you angry messages"


Pretty funny if that was really their plan

The OP of that post comes off as someone asking questions for a survey.

OP: Do you think that we should deregulate everything and allow everyone to utilize their resources without paying into a tax system?

Libertarian: No - although the libertarian boner in me grew a bit :p


not american but

Every fucking time

AskReddit is so damn funny. You could literally ask “people with working assholes of Reddit, how was your shit?” and the top answer would be “not a shitter but today my colostomy bag leaked all over the living room floor”

not american but i don't believe he have to make the world a better place ,if he is the president of america then he should work for america , i have no idea if he did anything good for america tho
