D-list actress reaches the natural conclusion of "my body, my choice"

105  2019-08-23 by BIknkbtKitNwniS


I’ve lived with my ex for over a year i’m already resigned to being the hermit crab equivalent of a man. I have nothing to lose cept this bitch i already hate which makes me incredibly dangerous 🦇


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Cersei trying to stay relevant now that the shows over

I see people in those tweets talking about "toxic monogamy". How can monogamy be "toxic"? Literally nothing but good can come from monogamy.

By Allah, a free society was a mistake.

>Not wanting a harem of thirsty bussybois as Allah intended

Nothing but good? You enjoy all those boomer comics about the artist hating their wife?


Season 3 of Westworld will definitely be trash.

Maybe another Evan Rachel Wood rape scene 🤷

Is it actually rape if he’s a park board member, and owns a stake in the parks properties? 🤔

Okay, maybe not technically an in character rape but hopefully to the actress it felt like one

Lets be honest, the second season was also shit.

God it was so bad. The first season was fantastic and I will hold it up as one of the best Sci Fi shows in existence. Season 2 was utter fucking nonsense because the writers got butthurt perceptive viewers figured out their twists.

The stupid thing wasn't even the actual plots, though those were retarded as well. It was throwing away the interesting setup for a generic evil robot plot. I was hoping, hoping so badly that there wasn't going to be a robot uprising season 1, that they would take a page from Asimov and instead explore the human-robot psychology. Then when that went tits up I was hoping that they would instead try to explore what it would be like for a robot to try to fight back humans who have the advantage, but nope, generic robot killers who now somehow have real guns. OK, hopefully when they escape it will be about what it must be like for a robot to exist in a human world - nope, fucking robot revolution.

It's based on an old movie where all the robots became sentient and attacked all the humans in the park. I agree that they threw away decent story ideas for a basic killer robot plot but that isn't much different than the movie plot. Although the television series allowed viewers to empathize with the robots unlike in the film where it was mostly the black hat cowboy starting the murder spree.

Man I am old. My father took me to see the original movie at the theater when it first came out. I was a wee lad around 5, and still remembered parts of it decades later. Saw it again after the show came out.

Boomers out reeee

I'm pretty sure that would make him an X'er.

The only thing I found interesting about Season 2 was some of the Ed Harris related stuff, but even some of it still felt off to me.

It was good because it was actually exploring an aspect of the consequences of lifelike robots that hadn't really been explored before on the show.

Then it was ruined by being linked to the main plot.

IS that what canned it? What twists did people figure out that they got butthurt about?

Man in black being an old William and the show having two different timelines was the major one people figure out before the big reveal. They actually told people to avoid reddit and that they're would make the next season so reddit couldnt figure their twists out.

Oh. I mean I avoid reddit fan discussions for shows I watch for exactly that reason, but its fucktarded to write your show around that

Most definitely. I had a little hope that season three might redeem it though

I adored the first season to hell and back and I straight up couldn't finish the second season it was so bad. Real disappointment hours.

I bailed after a few eps of season 2 it was hot garbage.

Oh God you missed the cheesiest and nonsensical ending you could imagine. It was actually worse than the ending of AI.

Oh god. Glad I bailed.

Also it turns out there are (at least) 2 other parks on the property, one based on India and one based on Japan. With very different climates and terrain. No they don't explain how.

You guys fucking suck. Seriously. Season 1 was kino but season 2 still had some amazing moments. Just the speech from MiB about “the staaaaiinn” was awesome.

Fuck you all.


Man now I almost wanna google spoilers just to see what shitshow I saved myself from.

Imaginary portal to robot afterlife.


100 feet tall and on the edge of a cliff too.

nigger what

now I almost want to finish it just to see how fucktarded this is

And its led by a conspiracy of the Indian robots and is the explanation for the weird symbol carved inside of their scalps and is somehow part of the plan of the main guy because of course it is.

I can't tell if you're being serious anymore tbh

I am being 100% serious. Even I’m not regarded enough to make this up.

Iiiiiiindian robots?

Well, the Native American Indian ones. There were also Asian Indian robots though, because fuck explaining how a desert climate, tropical rainforest climate and a temperate mountain climate all exist within 30 miles of each other.

Good lord.

Oh, and they worked in an immortality subplot as well.

I stopped after episode 8. Still haven't watched the last 2 episodes.

The 19th amendment was a bigger mistake than slavery

All amendments were a mistake. Any form of government that isn't a Catholic Bolshevik Government is a mistake.

speaking to my ethnic catholic heart

Islamic fundamentalist anarcho-transhumanism is truly the superior government

Only so long the trans part has massive fem shlongs, tho.


Anarcho-fascism is the one true government.

he isn’t an anarcho-monarchist

I'm more of an anarcho-mommyist.

Who the supreme mommy will be is up for debate.

Commie Mommy



I see we also have a based theo-com lurking in these fashy hedonistic recess' of the internet.

Fuck you, Jeb!ocracy is the one true path.


Democracy is a mistake, it isn't broken, it never worked.

I'm kinda starting to unironically believe this tbh

“The best argument against Democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.”

Seriously. Few people i know voted in a state election just cuz they knew him, wven they were all muh rush limbaugh listeners and he was running with the dems

"Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard."

It worked decently well for a few thousand years before we let dumb-dumb foids into the Ecclesia.


It wasn't terrible when only landowners could vote. Poor people are too stupid to vote correctly.

Democracy is great so long you understand it's not about giving the power to the people, it's about ensuring everyone get a chance to corrupt the politicians into doing what you want.

The 19th amendment protects the right to vote of men, which is indeed a mistake.

You really think it means nothing that the "free", "empowered" woman is more whorish and slutty than any man could have ever made them in evil patriarchy? Were the PUA cringe crew right all this time?


She had a very long term relationship with Marilyn Manson so I'm pretty sure the decisions she makes romantically aren't the most well thought out.

Marilyn seems like an ok lad tbh

He's apparently a massive trainwreck from what I've heard, but idk the details.

Fair. I'm just going off vague impressions from interviews I've seen with him.

One of these days I'll see what I can find about him, but it doesn't seem to be consolidated, just a bunch of posts across the internet from former groupies and goffs


GOOD point


Dude obviously doesn't practice semen retention and walk with christ.

He sucks unfortunately.

Why does it always end up being 'I wanna be a whore without people judging me' 🤔🤔

Why not just not admit that you have a train tunnel vagene and keep your love of screwing multiple people on the down low secret? Why think saying that is something brave and strong ?


Responsibility is a bummer.

Responsibility is the real patriarchy

I think you know the answer to this


That's exactly why I've never understood jealousy. I am a monogamous person and want a monogamous relationship, but that means the other person chooses the same. If my SO changes their mind and wants to be with others, I only ask they be kind enough to let me know in advance.


> im so desperate to stay in the one relationship i have found i will do anything to keep it

Shit fam the 'im polygamous' lie she told herself snowballed so out of control, she has to fuck multiple people now to keep herself from realising she was treated like trash.

She's saying that monogamy is a choice to discuss, not the default type of relationship. And that you need to talk honestly about what kind of relationship you want when you are getting more serious with someone.

What? Of course it fucking is. A straight monogamous relationship is the default around the world. Everything else is abnormal.

Polygyny is the default for humans.

Everything else is culturally imposed.

Remove the cultural pressures and this is what you get.

We all need to enjoy this type of drama while we can . It won't be long before every 2 bit actoid will have every tweet they make filtered through about 5 agents and be okay'd by a or committee to keep everyone from realizing just how retarded the average Hollywood elite is. So enjoy the unfiltered unapproved thoughts of the people who try to morally she the average burger.

Gay community: we want to be allowed to marry

Conservative Christians: WTF?! No way, what's next Polygamy

Gay: eww no! Of course not

Poly community in 2019....

Yeah, this whole clusterfuck is basically proving conservatives right.

This is why I unironically want trannies to stfu.

Gays having rights is good. But if they lose them because the rest of the queers push to far...

The poly community has been spouting this shit for way longer than gay rights was even an issue that the average person knew about

Right... but no one was listening until now.

Even on twitter the only supportive comments are from poly people

Brigham Young’s zombie 2020, MPFO,multiple pussies for one.


The slippery slope was not a fallacy

It’s funny how millennials think it’s cool and usual to play choose your own adventure with all mental illnesses EXCEPT narcissistic personality disorder

Is she basically saying she wants to get dicked down as often as possible by as many dicks as possible?

Yes, but also consequence free

Of course, that's a basic tenant of modern feminism.

tenet, rent-free

Thanks for the correction, but I'm not sure how that's rent-free?

She's a fan of the gussy too.

Aha, so she doesn't have any standards.

LOL. oh god. This decade was a mistake. We all should have held hands and leapt into the sweet void together in 2012 like the Mayans predicted.

Pfft, women lol.

That haircut is a war crime.