For a second day in a row SRDines argue did America deserve 9/11! And for a second day in a row the OP is based af and the thread is a shitshow!

29  2019-08-23 by Turgnibil


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  1. For a second day in a row SRDines a... -,,

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I don't understand this "America deserved 9/11" logic. It's not like the middle east banded together and declared war on America for their transgressions. It was a terrorist attack. Literally bitch tactics.

If they actually declared war and bombed the towers or something then maybe I could see their point.

Tfw al qaeda didnt form a line in a field of mutual agreement.

Its an edgy way of being against the old usa policies. We didnt deserve it all, but probs knew something anti usa was coming

Maybe like the ww1 assassination of franz ferdinand. Maybe doing a tour in a hostile land isnt the greatest of ideas, dear franz

The people inside the tower didn't deserve it, but burgerland had it coming.

It's a boring take, ngl, but I wrote it so I shall post it

yep more of a symbolic attack than anything against the people that were inside the towers

I tried using that excuse after I burned down the local mosque, but the cops just kept hitting me until my lawyer showed up. Then he joined in.

Last time I tried to collect hottest posts and then SRD thread blew up this time I'll just link to the current biggest comment chain.

It already has multiple pro mayocide comments.

It’s a shame I can’t ping that guy and tel him his cousin probably did deserve to die

While true, it's still rude to say it out loud.

Hasan needs to understand there are some shit that shouldn’t be said. Sadly it is never addressed for alt right streamers on twitch so yeah its kinda unfair

SRD: America deserves 9/11? Cool

Also SRD: this streamer needs a permanent ban for calling Transexuals tranny. 😥

Seriously, is this Hasan guy hailed as an intellectual by the left?


All the left has is rhetoric. Their positions stand up if they have lots of voices to prop them up but fall apart under any real scrutiny. It's there's a bunch of leftists online but in real life most people are more naturally right wing.

my tribe good

Retard, the entire political spectrum is infested with ideologues. The right definitely more so than the left. The difference is that the right is much closer to the status quo than the left.

Nigger I don't care about being on the "good" side. I pick a side and I fling shit. It's no one's fault that right wing policies actually work in the natural world and left wing policies are people constantly trying to cope with the fact that utopian vision doesn't translate to real life.




right wing policies


Killing communists.

That's also a communist policy tho.

Horseshoe theory is real.

Private company can do whatever they want! Oh... are we not doing that anymore?

Spez is YOUR admin!!!!1 8 more years!!!!1! deal with it snowflake 😎 -snapshillbot

SRD is doing the silly not replies now too? fuckin reddit lefties can they never be original?

This will end up like when Disney temporarily fired James Gunn. Gunn ended up getting paid twice to make Guardians 3. In a month things will be back the way they were a few day ago. The right wingers are mad somebody said something angry that they didn't mean in the way they all want to scream about. Let me repeat this, James Gunn was fired by Disney because right wingers complained about him. In the end Disney paid him twice for the right wingers didn't want him to do.

Watch👏a 👏different 👏movie.

The difference is that Piker is a nobody. He's not making any major corporations big cash. He's easily replaced.