2 2019-08-23 by Electroyote
Libtards have divised an complex algorithm that determines if a user is left leaning, or a complete retard.
userleansbot will tell you what to think about people. No need to read their posts and address their opinions; just mention userleansbot and he will tell you whether you need to call them MAGA wearing retards, or step back in line and appraise LGBTQ POC people.
1 [deleted] 2019-08-23
1 DavidKIsASnitch 2019-08-23
1 JLDupreeIII 2019-08-23
this seems like extra work everyone is already wrong and stupid on account of being a redditor
1 The_Great_I_Am_Not 2019-08-23
I've read all I need to know.
1 Satansexandnoregrets 2019-08-23
The bot's also broken because it doesnt count banned subs. I had it tell me I was 100% left with negative karma in leftie subs lmao
1 Seattle_Bussy_Lmao 2019-08-23
Chapo check
1 ChapoDetected 2019-08-23
0 of Electroyote's last 999 comments (0.0%) are in /r/ChapoTrapHouse.