Large if Factual. Daddy Musk about to rocket to Mars to avoid bankruptcy. Are the Bogdanoff's behind this?

52  2019-08-23 by NotoriousChenposter


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I did a research paper this summer on this subreddit and there was a published study that found that 74% of attacks on Reddit came from 1% of source subreddits. I assume that subs like r/Drama are the 1%.


  1. Large if Factual. Daddy Musk about ... -,,

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Having been involved in various industry fuck ups (mostly of the silicon variety), minimizing public information outside of immediate safety concerns and not throwing a supplier under the bus when you're actively trying to assess the risk and exposure seems... fairly normal?

^ bogdanoff shill

Amphenol is a huge player in the connector market (for literally any variety, though I'm most familiar with their fiber and Ethernet offerings) so my worry of a vast conspiracy is virtually zero.

^ bogdanoff shill who does it for free


Virgin Amphenol vs Chad Neutrik

In a way, aren't we all bogdanoff shills?

about to rocket to Mars

Having Elon proclaim himself emperor of Mars would be pretty great.

It's so awesome that we're gonna get even bigger weirdos than Elon in the future.


Imagine if Walmart is the downfall of Space Daddy