Anime is good actually

35  2019-08-23 by MsTeenFAS

Look I know anime, or “””weebshit””” as you all so eloquently refer to it by, gets a bad rap around here but most western audiences genuinely don’t understand how engaging and thoughtful is it as an artistic medium and think it’s just big titty lolis squealing incomprehensibly. Now “squealing big titty lolis” is actually my third favorite genre of anime but it’s not for everyone and I totally get that. That’s the thing about anime, there’s so many different kinds out there that it can’t possibly all be grouped into one category. For example, my favorite anime. It’s called My Ultimate Bodacious Low Fat Nondairy Magical Academy 3: Grand Reincarnation. (Hardcore fans call it by its Japanese title: konichiwa no gyoza Baka no moshi moshi sake Nintendo). It’s about a normal average regular plain everyday dude, he lives with his mom and doesn’t have friends or a girlfriend but then one day he discovers he has a magic power: he can summon magical demons. There are 365 demons, all named after and based on each day of the year. Like December 25 has a slutty Santa outfit, July 4 is a tradthot, April 20 is a genderbent hitler who smokes weed, etc. And here’s the kicker: he can only summon a demon on its corresponding day of the year. And here’s the real kicker: they all want to bang him. And here’s the other real kicker: they’re all sisters and want to bang each other too. But mostly him. But anyway they’re demons but only because they were cast out of heaven because they were falsely accused of treachery by Jesus (who’s a genderbent magical girl in this) and forced to become demons. They chose to give him this power because they need his help proving their innocence.

So see? Anime can be good and interesting. I strongly encourage everyone here to check out a new anime this week, be it MUBLFNDMA3: GR or something else. Please PM me if you need a recommendation.

Sayōnara my tomodachis 🙏🏻😊


I'm listening.

How many of the magical demons are furbait?

They all have a catgirl form they can transform into during their time of the month actually

Lame 😪

There are hidden messages in anime that are Japan's revenge on the US for the bombings.

Umm I made the decision to never procreate or contribute to society on my own thank you very much


It was a decision! I made it a few years ago when the only girlfriend I’ve ever had called JoJos Bizarre Adventure bad

Mass shooters? Anime fans

Pedos? Anime fans

Furries? Anime fans

They’re just disenfranchised and anime provides them a safe space. If the real world was more like anime we wouldn’t have these problems

Yes I'd love to live in a world full of massive explosions, extinction level events like portals opening and unleashing vampires/demons/aliens that love tentacle rape but hey at least there'd be cat girls uwu

massive explosions Hiroshima and Nagasaki say hi

extinction events We’re literally in one right now

vampires A metaphor for elite predators and we have plenty of those

aliens Lmfao this retard doesn’t think aliens exist

tentacle rape There are toys you can buy for that

And we still have no cat girls!

mentions two 70 year old events like that is a common everyday occurrence.

brings up climate change like its comparable to anime with massive armies of flesheating rapeoids unleashed upon the masses

thinks a cartoon for manchildren has deep and metaphorical meaning and hidden subtext.

you got me on the aliens . Your weird ass is definitely from another planet.

brings up sex toys that are made for weebs not realizing it just reaffirms the deviant nature of anime fans.

Imagine seething so much and having the lack of any cope mechanism that you paid reddit to ban someone for not liking manchild weebshit..

Imagine responding to your own drama comment.

Lol right?

They’re just disenfranchised

That’s not true.

They’re also gigantic faggots.

South Park did it.

If I had enough plebbit coins, I'd buy you a ban.

Posts like this is why I do Heroine.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

anime is good, really good, because it's like that yellow star of david the (((jews))) put on themselves for attention but this time we can use it to gulag the weebs

the jews did the holocaust btw

Congrats on admitting you're a pedophile

didn't even read but imagine unironically spending your precious time on this dying Earth watching shitty japanese cartoons (which are made for literal children) 🤮🤮🤮

I hate that I'm seriousposting in response to bait, but I have seen a few good animes. What bugs me is that people call themselves anime fans, as if being anime by itself makes something good. If somebody who knows my tastes recommends an anime I'll watch it, but the fact that it's anime actually pushes me away from it a bit. Most network comedies are shit but there are a few good ones, most anime is shit but there are a few good ones. Focus on seeking out quality shows instead of watching anything drawn in your shitty weebstyle.

Is this a Masterlawlz alt?


Relevant post to post my other favorite subreddit: r/japancirclejerk

Can only call each girl on relevant day

That's a trash harem design, proper harems have situation set up to maximize jealousy between the girls. Also, how can they all want to bang each other if they never meet?

Cuz they all hang out in hell together when it’s not their day to be summoned

Again, horrible design. Yuri is Yuri, a harem even if it does involve lesbos should be in the style of Aki Sora, any sex scene without the reader insert is verboten.

Anime is good because of Jojo