Andy Ngo outed as full video emerges of him planning and carrying out attack on bar patrons with patriots prayer members.

96  2019-08-23 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


The only time I've ever given a shit about the nuances of f*male anatomy is when I was doing a hard guro/vore RP where I needed to remember how to spell the parts of her reproductive system that my character was eating.


  1. Andy Ngo outed as full video emerge... -,

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All I see is a diverse group with Asians, African Americans, and women getting ready to take on the pasty mayo menace.

That loser deserves the brain damage he lied about getting

Imagine having the audacity to claim you're in the ER with 'brain damage' (though that's not 100% untrue) while posting this pic on Twitter as proof.

I've seen my little cousins come home in worse shape after particularly rough snowball battles.

Imagine mocking your opponents as limp-wristed soyboys then running home crying because you got a little roughed up

So what about the pic. The shit he writes proves he's brain damaged.

I think you mean brain improvement he lied about getting.

lmao chapos keep saying he faked it because they know how bad assaulting random journalists looks

He absolutely faked brain damage

If you think he got brain damage, youโ€™re the one that has it

At most he was concussed

Even if.

lmao how are you gonna advocate violence and then get all scared and deny you did it afterwards

see also "omg the ohio shooter didnt have a motive!"

maybe it was like a double negative, already rightoid brain damaged, got more brain damaged and they canceled each other out?

If you think he got brain damage, youโ€™re the one that has it

He has it. Pre-existing condition though.

Turning Portland into LARPer Thunderdome seems like a great idea, honestly.

Nuke Portland

No Olympics in Portland

It's not like there's anything of value there otherwise.

Tfw no Dramaโ„ข backed Sunday Night Smackdown

I've been advocating this as a way to fund our schools for years now but the state congress won't listen. ๐Ÿ˜’

Couldn't have said it better

That's pretty much what it already is. The people involved in the clashes spend all of their free time planning this shit out

Yeah, and it's awesome. I say we should encourage this behaviour. Market it as a Thunderdome orgy, that way the rightoid larpers and leftoid larpers can fulfill their deepest desires of beating the shit out of each other and then fucking it out afterwards. This is what Americans need to relieve all that tension.

A dishonest "journalist?!?!?!

AJAL: All journos are liars, regardless of affiliation

And many do it for a fee based on work rendered

Honestly this dude rules for grifting rubes for like 300k

Fucking lol. Of course the faggy little chink that cried wolf all day long on social media after getting punched once at a protest would go on to do some shit like that. Crocodile tear ass motherfucker and of course the centrists eat it all up as "further evidence of antifa terrorism" or whatever. Their mistake was only hitting him once instead of beating him until he stopped moving in Mimecraft

83% upvoted



I heard Freepo and botchlings are back in town.

god I hope so

Gimme that sweet botchy booty

see this justifies us attacking him earlier!

What's freepo's new account? God I miss him.

We would know if Feepo was here because he engages in that terrible crime that is known on ResetERA as "drive-by posting".

rightoids have been angrily downvoting a lot lately

weh weh

angry agendaposter gets triggered by the truth

Muh may may points

Cry more that someone took a few of your precious, precious points, you fucking neet autist.

i like to upvote lolcows to encourage them rather than getting unironically triggered by literal retards like the resident agendaposters do

Wow you sure disproved that youโ€™re a triggered agenda poster

crying about muh meme points

100% pure soy

literally your entire first page of user history is you crying about leftists

Imagine outing yourself as a triggered leftist AND the kind of faggot who thinks his meme points are important all in one ultra-pozzed post.


i invite the ladies and gentlemen of the jury to inspect my user history, and mr hemmorhoids, and judge for themselves which user is indeed, perpetually triggered ๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜‹

LMAO, after inspecting that post you're definitely a colossal faggot.

tell your dad if he wants to fox news n chill some time im down ๐Ÿ˜˜

You shouldn't use the term "pozzed" in public unless you could care less about outing yourself as a NEET virgin

Lmao do you actually unironically make angry posts about leftists on a regular basis? ๐Ÿ˜‚

Meme points are hard earned and very important tyvm. ๐Ÿ’…๐Ÿป

Oh man that nerd is hilariously butthurt about not doing well in life

I upvoted you because if you stay downvoted no one will be able to drink your delicious streaming hot white lol milk.

Cope however you have to you whinging faggot


lmao could you project any harder


see this justifies us attacking him earlier!

It's like watching two retards have it out at a window licking contest lol

Well it certainly contextualizes it.


Isn't Ngo an actual retard now though? Pretty sure getting punched by a woman put him in a coma and gave him brain damage?

I don't think so. He played up his injury, but he seemed to be up and giving interviews all over the rightoid media rather quickly after his supposed brain damage.

traumatic brain injury

sudden overnight meteoric rise in popularity in right wing media


So just a typical limp wrist rightoid playing the victim for NEETbux

The patriot prayer thing is unironically more diverse than antifa

Really makes u ๐Ÿค”

But they're the white supremacists damnit!

but they end up being mayo subhumans

They have their PoC status revoked for being on the wrong side (of history).

Having been there and done some informal estimates, I'd say that's probably true if you're talking about percentages. Antifa has the problem that their only minority representation is the weird black subculture that believes street gangs impotently shooting at each other and never hitting anything is gonna somehow overthrow AmeriKKKa. This is a fringe belief among 6% of people here so they're swamped in a sea of woke mayos.

On the other side, they've got all the disaffected minorities who never get attention for being "people of color": asians, hapas, Pacific islanders. But there's only like 100-200 alt-right spergs in the whole Portland-Seattle so is finding 20 spergs-of-color really that amazing of an achievement?


more diverse than antifa

Hey ! They had Tyrone. Yes he was lost but still it counts ๐Ÿ˜ค.

good praxis tbh

lmao yeah turns out being attacked by larping commies makes you side with the other guys to an extent


"oh no why is this guy we beat up standing with the people who fight us??!?? this proves its a setup and we didnt actually do the stuff theres mountains of evidence for"

You mad, rightoid?

no i just find it funny that the left acts all tough and then denies it

its not like im the one denying beating up reporters lol

MDEgenerates mad x24

The amount of mayo zoomers that were praising this clown after his Joe Rogan appearance... ๐Ÿคฎ๐Ÿคฎ๐Ÿคฎ

loud sipping of soy latte heard as typed from a macbook

he's too poor for a macbook, probably a chrome desu desu desu

So why should I care about this again?

Some irrelavent Asian Moid does nothing while something happens?

It's dramatic.

Shits boring he is just standing there

Imagine leaving your house with the sole intent of getting into streetfights

Imagine leaving your house for any reason

but that's how i get to know my local community

That's what gloryholes are for

That sounds pretty fun actually

Imagine thinking getting in street fights means that you are doing something positive to change the world

Me getting my money is making the world better tho. At least my world.

And that's a bad thing why exactly? ๐Ÿ˜•

Blue checkmark "journalist" making up a bunch of shit

Now that just doesn't make any sense.


I wish I cared, but I don't. These losers deserve each other. Portland is a cesspool.

If there's one thing I'm gonna do with my life, it's gonna be to sit down with Kim Jong-Un and talk about exactly where and how high and how many megatons the airburst is gonna be.

tbh beating up chinese people is quite based

tankies are the true patriots never forget 'nam