Fresh new hot take from Daddy’s boys: “The Federal Reserve is part of the Deep State”

22  2019-08-24 by Ghdust2


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Being a racist loser that makes fun of racist losers doesn't make you any less of a racist loser.

Pretending you're too stupid to understand how you spend your free time doesn't make it any less pathetic to spend your free time that way.


  1. Fresh new hot take from Daddy’s boy... -,,

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Well it is....

The deep state is the unelected career bureaucrats that actually run the organs of the state and hate when the American people vote some senile retard into power, so yes the Fed is the deep state.

Basically this. Also people that won't break the law for some political strunt. Their union ain't that good


so you mean people who can actually do their jobs hate it when the new boss is a retarded twitter posting boomer who tells them to double their productivity for half the cost?

Tbh, the fact Jeremy Powell hasn't blown his fucking brains out yet is in it of itself a miracle

That take isn’t fresh, new, or hot...

Do you really think that people that control money are part of some hidden group of individuals that mastermind our nation?

I'm pretty sure I've seen this episode before.

The deep state will always possess more power than the mass of yokels and that is an unqualified good.

When you try to agendapost and end up looking like a fucking retard.

It actually is though.

And that’s a good thing.