Marilyn Monroe gets #MeToo'd

97  2019-08-24 by WreckingYourHome



Couldn’t have said it better himself

Yawn, another brigade from Drama? They must be tired of disrespecting the trans community or creeping on underage children if they're willing to shit on a wholesome subreddit that actually does something to help others.


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Are you a literal NPC? First you had trouble counting to two, now you're just copy and pasting your replies. Do you need some time to update before you can type anything new?


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Unfortunately the word of a Fredo has little value.

Eyy Whaddya say about owa people? You ain't gonna understand our culcha of haanuh, you praaly a moolie anyway.

Are they even allowed to testify in court? I hope not.

Sorry women cannot rape anyone because they cannot do anything wrong so this article is just trash and you should honostly feel bad for posting it

Sorry women cannot rape anyone because they cannot do anything wrong so this article is just trash and you should honostly feel bad for posting it


Sorry women cannot rape anyone because rape can only be commited by sentient sapients.

man everyone is turning so fucking lame. dude banged Monroe at the age of 15 poor baby I'm sorry for your loss you fucking ingrate. must be something in the water really maybe Alex Jones was right

Yikes sweaty, men can be raped too

But that's a good thing 😈

Read the article

>Russo told The Sun: 'She taught me everything I know. I thought I was the luckiest boy alive but if it had happened today, I think she'd be arrested and my parents would have tried to get some cash out of it.

'Was I upset? No. I'd just had sex with America's hottest movie star and sex symbol.'

Dude fucked Marilyn, killed people, and knocked up ten women and you’re calling him a pussy

read the article

you have high expectations

Dude, even you should be able to bumble your way through a Daily Fail 'article'. There are lots of pictures.

Reading is gay
Reacting is fun

Sounds badass

this didnt happen

Read before posting dumb shit. He's not whining. He's practically still doing cartwheels over it.

Russo, a father of 11 children to ten different women

Yikes, maybe you shouldn't have taught him how to sex, Marilyn

Seems like he’s pretty good at it lol

Huh, so there really is no difference between basketballs and pasta cels.

You ever see how close Sicily is to Africa?

Makes you wonder doesn't it ?

they do hate being called guineas

Society would be better and there would be no mass shootings if 30 year old women taught teenage boys how to have sex cmv.

Nobody would ever want to 'teach' you. Cope.

We could make a religion out of that

Why did they use a picture where she looked like her mom drank too much while carrying her smh

if he's old enough to get it up, he's old enough to fuck it up

if she's old enough to want it, she's old enough to sit on it


I wish that happened to me

In 1988, Russo killed a man inside the Las Vegas club and casino he owned. When he tried to intervene to stop a member of the Medellín drug cartel from harassing a female patron, the man stabbed him with a broken champagne bottle. Russo, a legal carry owner, pulled his gun and shot him twice in the head. Russo was not charged with the killing because it was ruled a justifiable homicide. However, when Pablo Escobar heard about the death, he ordered a contract on Russo's life. The Colombian drug lord supposedly only cancelled it when he found out Russo had starred in one of his favourite films The Godfather.

holy shit that's gangsta

The Colombian drug lord supposedly only cancelled it when he found out Russo had starred in one of his favourite films The Godfather.

Pfft. He didn't even have a role worthy of this respect. All he did was get married, get his ass beat in the street, and set up Sonny.

You can write movies based on the lives of the actors of The Godfather

Dementia is brutal

If this is dementia it's the best kind.

Read up on this guy.

He was alpha AF.

Back when men were real men. Banging thirty year olds and reenacting scenes in front of drug king pins to save their lives.

A man today couldn’t cope with having dead salamanders and chickens found in his home.

This guy must be a r/aita poster cause everything here sounds made up

Yeah, but before that I fucked Gene Tierney and you know it has to be true because she was a slut and because I said so. sip