It was this song that turned me on to Eivor, not this specific video, but the song and voice

6  2019-08-24 by The_Great_I_Am_Not


Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


  1. It was this song that turned me on ... -,

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I ran across it randomly as the background music in a linked youtube video of beautiful scenery of the Faroe Islands.

I was blown away. Then I found this:

I don't like to play the "favorites" game, but if I had to, this might be my favorite song ever

Theoretically how much soy would I need to consume to make this snow monkey's howling palatable?

I don't know about that, but I do have some other questions.

I didn't make fun of her, I merely complimented m'lady's sumptuous boobage. If I wanted to make fun of her I would have said something about her snaggletooth.

The [snaggletooth] is fair game, but pick your very carefully about other things.

You've got to get some better taste in music. There's not one 808 kick here. How am I supposed to fuck to this?

Despite some early adopters,the 808 was a commercial failure and fewer than 12,000 units were sold. Roland ended production in 1983 after semiconductor improvements made it impossible to restock the faulty transistors essential to its design.

Yeah David Byrne is good. Not good enough to post it twice but whatever.

Eivor needs some funky basslines like that. Some wicked synths and one of those filters that makes her voice sound like a robot. Then you would have a massive tune

You're the one who brought up the 808

Of course it's in both those songs because they're the same song. I am well aware of the storied history of the Roland TR808 drum machine. It's in everything good. Eivor could really make her tracks slam if she would use one.

Why is her voice so ducking mouthy